When bees sneeze

Black Mountain beekeeper Ed Buchanan has lost 150 of his 400 hives in the past two years. “Part of it was starvation,” he says. “We didn’t have a good fall flow of goldenrod and aster. The other part was due to CCD.” (Colony collapse disorder is a mysterious malady that’s wiping out honeybees on at […]

Garden Journal

Label conscious: Margaret McGinnis and Tim Charles of Fork Mountain Farm, in Marshall, wrote Xpress to say, “We have decided to certify our produce through ‘Certified Naturally Grown’ (www.naturallygrown.org) rather than become certified organic through the federal government. For many small farmers the cost and time requirements of [organic certification] are unrealistic and unmanageable. The […]

Earthship revisited

Stan and Pattie Frost Jones were in the midst of constructing their Madison County earthship when Xpress first visited the site in October 2003 (see “Earthship Space: Local Couple Building Dream Home Out of Tires,” Aug. 3, 2005 Xpress). Three-and-a-half years later, the decidedly nontraditional house has surpassed the owner/builders’ expectations in multiple ways. Trash […]

Holism in the hills

The Prama Institute, a new seminar and retreat center located near Marshall, plans to make a splashy debut. Grand-opening events include a poetry reading and workshop with lauded wordsmith Robert Bly film screenings with Palestinian director Hanna Elias. Head space: The Prama Institute’s Sid Jordan, left, and Ramesh Bjonnes in one of the facility’s dome-shaped […]

Garden Journal

Madison’s wonders: Garden writer Edmund Taylor reports, “All of you sophisticates from the big city need to come to the hinterlands of Madison County to see what us yeoman, backwoodsmen and women can do with a pick and a few sticks of dynamite. Believe it or not, Madison has more to offer horticulturally than ramps, […]

Widespread panegyric

The soundtrack on Golden Gate Gallery’s MySpace page is from Dead Can Dance and sounds for all the world like Jim Morrison. Dead. Tour art is for everybody: Jay Blakesberg doesn’t just photograph jam bands, but has also captured the likes of Ani DiFranco and Emmylou Harris. Scroll down. Jerry Garcia, deadx2. Neil Young, pending […]

Garden Journal

Very fair trade: Too many zucchini starts and not enough tomatoes? Irises want thinning and you need some hostas for that shady corner? Asheville LETS is holding a Seedling Swap & Potluck at Montford’s Magnolia Park on Sunday, April 15, at 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but if you […]

Making the grade

If present trends continue, more than a quarter of the roughly 2,000 ninth-graders expected to enroll in the Buncombe County Schools this fall won’t graduate from high school. Higher ed: Asheville AVID students (from left) Tiara Talford, J.D. Conwell and John Mattos work on college applications in the high school computer lab. photos by Cecil […]