Door to door

At press time, most polls showed the race between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain extremely close in North Carolina. The state’s electoral votes have gone to Republicans in every presidential race since 1976. But Obama has organized extensively in the state, and the global economic crunch has changed the political landscape. […]

Voting by the numbers

The focus on voter registration this year seems to be paying off locally—for Democrats anyway. Since early February, 14,415 new voters have registered in Buncombe County, according to statistics released Oct. 21 by the Board of Elections. The vast majority (98 percent) of those new voters registered as either Democrats (7,355) or unaffiliated (6,765). A […]

Smokey Tavern

Tavern is an overused word in bar parlance, but Asheville’s Smokey Tavern (or just Smokey’s, to regulars) seems to fit the bill. Its got a small, cozy entrance (you’ll miss it if you’re not looking) and an admirably cavernous interior. At present, there’s a slew of Halloween decorations up and a Nixon mask back behind […]

Appeal challenges Pack/Parks­ide ruling, asks for more detail

Developer Stewart Coleman has appealed a ruling on a controversial land sale that prevents him from building a nine-story condominium project on what was once public parkland. In September, Judge Marlene Hyatt sided with a lawsuit filed by the heirs of famed philanthropist George Pack asserting that land donated to Buncombe County was intended for […]

Bar Beat: Decades

It’s a week night at Decades, and the husband-and-wife house band, Southern Silk, are proving as smooth as their name, announcing Al Green’s classic “Let’s Stay Together” triumphantly as “our love song.” They hit all the notes just right—“Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad”—and rich electric-guitar riffs roll over the room. Photo […]

Buncombe Commission­ers

Commissioners approve $1.8 million for conservation easements Affordable-housing development wins initial approval At the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Oct. 7 meeting, the news wasn’t just what happened but what didn’t. The commissioners chose to delay action on three major items: the long-overdue appointment of new members to the powerful county Planning Board, a controversial […]

Commission­ers delay three key items until Election Day

The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners delayed decisions on three important items — a controversial rezoning, borrowing more than $37 million and appointing new members to the county planning board — at its Oct. 7 meeting. The board also cancelled its Oct. 21 meeting, meaning that the commissioners will take up all the items at their meeting on Nov. 4 — Election Day.

Press, citizens turned away from CTS meeting at Shuler’s office ***Updated with video***

Staff of Rep. Heath Shuler turned away reporters, photographers and citizens from a meeting this morning on the issue of groundwater contamination at the former CTS of Asheville site. The meeting’s location had been changed from Shuler’s Asheville office, and his staff would not reveal the new location or who was attending.