Buncombe Commission­ers

Site problems could add $1 million to cost of new animal shelter Fewer unwanted animals killed Controversy over the Buncombe County commissioners’ approach to Planning Board appointments continued at the commissioners’ Sept. 2 meeting. Critics questioned both the makeup of the powerful board and the lack of transparency in how the appointments are being handled. […]

Bar Beat: Zambra

Entering Zambra, you could get the feeling that the place is the brainchild of a mad Spanish admirer of Captain Nemo. The light is low; the decor mixes classical arches and modern curves; old pipes, complete with pressure gauges, jut up from the winding bar. Given its location, running alongside Walnut Street and partially under […]

Buncombe Planning Board controvers­y continues; activists to meet tonight

Local activists are asserting that the interviewing process for open seats on the county Planning Board lacks transparency and is tilted towards developers, after the county disqualified a number of applicants based on an unwritten rule. WNC Alliance is meeting tonight to plot strategy about the board, while the county has announced that it may also interview for a seat representing the Asheville City school district.

Bar Beat: Hangover helpers

If you drink, you’ve probably had a hangover one at some point. Even cautious and health-minded bar-goers will occasionally end up groggy and disheveled the next morning, feeling entirely out of place in the sunlit world. Everyone seems to have a different antidote for those woeful morning-afters, ranging from the simple to ornate. In addition […]

And in this corner…

Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Chair Nathan Ramsey and Vice Chair David Gantt, who’s challenging Ramsey for the chairman’s seat, kept the tone mostly civil during an Aug. 27 lunchtime forum, but the two exchanged barbs about each other’s records on the Parkside controversy, zoning and taxes. The contenders: Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Chair […]

Changing of the guard?

The past few years have been busy ones for the Buncombe County Planning Board, as the county’s seen the advent of zoning, record growth and more than one controversial development-related issue. During that time, four board members simply stayed on after their three-year terms had ended, despite not being formally reappointed (members can serve up […]