WNC Alliance: ‘Muddy Water Watch’ closes 24 illegal roads, helps restore watershed

From the WNC Alliance: ASHEVILLE – Muddy Water Watch is a program adopted by Riverkeepers across the nation to help eliminate sediment pollution into streams. WNCA’s French Broad Riverkeeper program, with a grant from the National Forest Foundation, has been working to improve Hurricane Creek, a pristine trout water in Pisgah National Forest. The Hurricane […]

Wainscott issues statement on shouting match with Bothwell

Full statement from Jonathan Wainscott on the shouting match at last Thursday’s West Asheville Business Association forum for City Council candidates Dear Citizens, For those who have been following the current election campaign for City Council, you are probably aware of the recent discourse between me and fellow candidate and Councilman Cecil Bothwell. At a […]

Hall Fletcher hosts Oct. 27 Chess Picnic in Pritchard Park

From Hall Fletcher Elementary: Asheville, NC, October 15, 2013: Pawnstorm, Hall Fletcher Elementary’s Chess Team, is hosting a “Chess Picnic” in Pritchard Park in Downtown Asheville on Sunday, October 27, 2013 to raise funds and support for Hall Fletcher Elementary’s Chess Team. Pawnstorm Team Members, ages 6-11, will be bringing their 14-foot-square large-scale chess board […]

Breaking the mold: complaints spotlight Asheville’­s rental housing issues

Multiple complaints about mold, rot, and other woes at a Merrimon Avenue apartment complex earlier this year casts doubt on the ability of local governments to deal with what many see as a serious health issue, leaving tenants feeling powerless to get their grievances addressed. And with the Asheville area having some of the highest housing costs in the state and one-third of its working population earning low wages, many local renters face similar issues.

A dangerous spiral

In the Asheville area and across the country, far too many people are living with an abusive spouse. Besides the physical danger to themselves or their children, they’re afraid of ending up homeless and unable to get what limited protections the law provides. Meanwhile, even as a weak economy increases the demand for services, budget […]