City to Conservanc­y: Work out debt if you want to manage the park ***UPDATED Wednesday 12:30 p.m.***

A letter from City Attorney Bob Oast to the Pack Square Conservancy reveals that the city of Asheville wants the Conservancy to repay over the next year approximately $2 million that the city is owed. Until then, the city “cannot agree to allow the Conservancy to operate or manage the park to any substantial degree.” The city also wants an independent financial audit of the Conservancy.


The Grove Arcade, one of downtown Asheville's most distinctive landmarks, can't make the payments on its debt to the city. After acquiring the historic structure from the federal government in 1997, Asheville signed a 198-year lease with the Grove Arcade Public Market Foundation, which manages the property. In the grove: The interior of the Grove […]

The Green Scene: Feds ineffectiv­e on Mills Gap Road contaminat­ion

The Environmental Protection Agency failed to find contamination promptly, adequately address its cleanup or communicate effectively with residents affected by air and water contamination from a former industrial plant near Asheville, according to a stinging report released last week by an independent office of the EPA. Warning: A sign near the contaminated former CTS of […]