Ex-wife: N.C. GOP vice chair fabricated my endorsemen­t

Facing controversy over a domestic violence conviction involving his ex-wife during his successful 2009 bid for vice chair of the North Carolina Republican Party, then-Buncombe GOP Chair Tim Johnson produced a statement, supposedly from her, supporting his candidacy. Now, she says she never wrote that endorsement, or had any knowledge of it until after his election.

Council funds Transit System improvemen­ts, waives arts-event fees, passes smoking ban

At its April 27 meeting, Asheville City Council:
• delayed a decision whether to cut its event-sponsorship support;
• transferred $2.4 million from health-insurance reserves to cover operating shortfalls;
• approved a plan to improve the city bus system, launch a new Transit logo and market the bus service
• waived fees for arts events in Pritchard Park, and
• passed a city-wide smoking ban on public property.

Asheville City Council

Council approves $1.7 million in new fees Asheville City Council April 13, 2010 City kicks in $100,000 for pharmaceutical school Council divided over municipal unions The Asheville City Council took a key step toward closing the city's looming budget gap April 13. On three separate votes, Council members approved new fees that, together, are projected […]

Cracking the whip

One of the primary season's most-watched races pits Rep. Bruce Goforth, a four-term incumbent who's the current Democratic whip, against former Buncombe County Commissioner Patsy Keever. Xpress conducted separate in-depth interviews with both candidates. Here are excerpts from those interviews. Full transcripts and video are available at www.mountainx.com. Rep. Bruce Goforth Mountain Xpress: You've been […]

Asheville City Council raises various fees, gives guidance to WNC state legislator­s

At this evening’s meeting, Asheville City Council voted to raise various construction, planning and transit fees, as well as water fees; decided what to ask our local delegation what to push for in Raleigh; heard a Civic Center report; and held off deciding whether to support a League of Municipalities effort to release local governments from having to bargain collectively with unions.