Story of a scandal

By the time the director, assistant director and two other staffers in Asheville's Human Resources Department wound up in handcuffs March 30, it could hardly have been a surprise. Searching for answers:After suspicious claims to the city's flexible-spending benefits program were reported, police searched benefit analyst Laura Master's bank account.   News of an investigation […]

APD officer sues city, supervisor­, charges sexual discrimina­tion

[Editor's note: This story contains detailed allegations couched in sexually explicit language.] Violating its mission?:A medal with the mission statement of the APD. An officer has sued the city and her supervisor, alleging that, contrary to department policies, extensive sexual discrimination and harassment went unpunished. Special to the Mountain Xpress Alleging that city officials ignored […]

Asheville City Council: Scale model

City still facing massive budget shortfall Shriner appointment survives challenge URTV funding request trimmed After months of controversy, Asheville City Council gave The Larchmont— 60 densely packed affordable-housing units off Merrimon Avenue — a unanimous go-ahead. In favor: North Asheville resident Mike Lewis speaks in favor of the controversial Larchmont project. In a nearly two-hour […]

Richardson new Human Resources head

Amid a continuing investigation of alleged fraud, Assistant City Manager Jeff Richardson is temporarily taking over as human resources director. Richardson will audit the flexible-spending program for city employees monthly until a third-party administrator can be hired. "In an effort to provide additional oversight and supervision of the Human Resources Department, Assistant City Manager Jeff […]

Shuler turns thumbs down on health-care legislatio­n

On March 21, Rep. Heath Shuler bucked his own party in voting against sweeping health-care legislation that passed the House of Representatives 219-212. Interception: On March 21, Rep. Heath Shuler broke ranks with the Democratic Party to vote against sweeping health-care legislation. Shuler joined 35 other House Democrats, including two from North Carolina, in opposing […]

Back from the brink

Buncombe County Democrat Martin Nesbitt, the North Carolina Senate's recently named majority leader, is serving his third term in that body after 11 in the state House. On March 12, Nesbitt was the guest speaker at the Council of Independent Business Owners' monthly breakfast meeting, where he gave his assessment of the state's financial situation, […]

Cost/benef­it analysis

The Asheville Police Department is continuing to investigate allegations of fraud in the city's Human Resources Department. According to three search warrants made public March 16, some city employees filed bogus reimbursement requests for items they never purchased, or received reimbursement far beyond the actual cost and/or in excess of the legal annual limit for […]