Bar none

"When Stuart was sentenced to 44 months, there was quite a community reaction. I think a lot of people wanted to know: Why did that happen? What can we do to prevent that from happening again?" noted Mediation Center Director Laura Jeffords at the start of an informal Feb. 19 gathering of concerned citizens and […]

City, Chamber huddle on economy, health care

Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce representatives sat down with city officials Feb. 17 to discuss how they might best cooperate during the coming year. Key topics included cheaper health care, landing one of Google's recently announced experimental fiber-optic networks, and using "the viral world" to promote tourism. Deliberating: Chamber Executive VP Kelly Miller listens to […]

Buncombe County ranked 25th healthiest in state

Buncombe County is the 25th healthiest among North Carolina's 100 counties, according to national rankings released Feb. 17. The county also ranked third in the state in clinical care, sixth in health behaviors, 12th in social and economic factors, and 13th in physical environment. The rankings were produced by the County Health Rankings initiative, which […]

Smith’s proposal for domestic-partner benefits politicall­y motivated, mayor charges

In a dramatic Feb. 17 appearance on WCQS-FM's "Conversations" program, Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy charged that Council member Gordon Smith was exploiting the issue of same-sex, domestic-partner benefits to boost his prospects in a future mayoral bid. "This issue was put forward in a way that was very divisive," said Bellamy. "I think it was […]

A civil sweep

Asheville City Council member Cecil Bothwell has proposed a sweeping civil-liberties resolution that includes clauses banning racial profiling, surveillance of political-advocacy groups and helping federal officials enforce immigration laws. It would also require businesses contracting with the city to provide things like janitorial services or lawn care to pay their workers a living wage. Liberating […]

Bellamy votes against same-sex partner benefits: What do you think?

In her last campaign, Mayor Terry Bellamy avoided taking a position for or against same-sex domestic-partner benefits for city employees. At last night’s Asheville City Council meeting, she left little doubt to where she stood, stating her opposition to such benefits and voting against pursuing them. Does Bellamy’s vote help or harm your opinion of the mayor?

Buncombe Commission­ers: Naming names

Buncombe County commissioners Feb. 2 meeting Commissioners briefed on Forsyth prayer ruling $500,000 in state home-repair funds County seeks federal grant for Eco-Panels The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners kept its Feb. 2 meeting short, dealing mostly with such routine matters as stepping up efforts to collect outstanding property taxes and handing out unused grant […]