Bothwell: decriminal­izing drugs, publicly financed elections goals for 2010 “and beyond”

While Asheville City Council meets in retreat to discuss its procedures and goals for the coming year, new Council member Cecil Bothwell has announced 11 goals he’ll pursue in 2010, ranging from the sweeping (decriminalizing drugs, ceasing immigration enforcement) to the local (ceasing to build downtown parking spaces, simplifying the city’s development ordinance).

The right profile

Racial profiling — or even just the possibility of it — by those charged with upholding the law is an extremely sensitive issue, involving questions of potential prejudice, abuse of power and hidden motives. For law-enforcement personnel, trying to gauge whether illegal activity is taking place — often in stressful or ambiguous situations with the […]

Former Medford deputy asks judge to set him free

A reserve captain who was convicted of collecting protection money from illegal video-poker operators for imprisoned former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford is asking a federal judge to set aside his five-year prison sentence, saying he didn't receive proper legal representation. In papers filed from the minimum security prison in Kentucky where he currently resides, […]

Buncombe commission­ers may eliminate official prayer at meetings

At their Jan. 5 meeting, the Buncombe County commissioners will consider substituting a moment of silence for the official prayer that has traditionally marked the start of their meetings, according to County Attorney Michael Frue. Contrary to an earlier announcement from Frue, the commissioners have not yet made a decision. "I probably erred by implying […]

Asheville Currency Project plans for paper currency by 2011

By summer of 2011, Asheville residents will use local paper currency to purchase a variety of good and services at businesses throughout the area. That's the Asheville Currency Project's plan, anyway. The group unveiled its idea on Dec.4 at the BoBo gallery. Local currency, according to its proponents, keeps more value in the community, remains […]

Asheville City Council

Asheville facing $5.1 million budget shortfall next year Asheville City Council Nov. 24 Council contemplates living-wage requirement for city contractors Council members approve federal-stimulus-backed infrastructure projects City signs off on parts of Woodfin annexation deal For the Asheville City Council, Nov. 24 was a day of transition. It marked the last meeting for Kelly Miller, […]

Justice undone?

On May 8, Stuart Peterson and two other men robbed the F&J Food Mart on Biltmore Avenue at gunpoint. A witness to the gang-related heist described their vehicle to police, and all three were soon caught and charged with armed robbery. It was Peterson's first felony arrest. A new leaf: Stuart Peterson, center, with fellow […]