WNC News Roundup

The gas shortage certainly grabbed the headlines this week across Western North Carolina, but there was more to the news than just that. A top mental-health official stepped down from his post after an investigation; a professor has been named “N.C. Fall Color Guy”; energy drinks may be banned from a local school system; and a jellyfish was discovered in a mountain pond.

Board tunes in to WPVM controvers­y, signals changes

The board that oversees WPVM, Asheville’s low-power community radio station, accepted responsibility for the removal of a station volunteer, issued an apology and adopted a direct role in overseeing the station’s management during a meeting last week. But while the board’s action defused the recent controversy, it’s apparent that those involved believe there’s more work […]

As Pack Square Park takes shape, Conservanc­y begins to change focus

The director of the group overseeing the $20 million makeover of Asheville’s high-profile center-city park is planning to step aside. Park circle: Donna Clark, at right, the spokeswoman for the nonprofit Pack Square Conservancy, says the work on the new Pack Square Park is taking shape week by week. She’s standing next to what will […]

Radio static

The removal of an on-air personality at Asheville’s WPVM, a low-power station at 103.5 FM, and the subsequent resignation of the station’s manager has roiled some station volunteers and has the executive director of WPVM’s parent organization defending his decisions in running the station. Can you hear me now?: The downtown-Asheville studio of WPVM, a […]