
Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Nosferatu at 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,
Starring: Laurence R. Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie, Maddi Black, Kandace Caine

The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)

The Story: A creepy, pudgy parking garage attendant who endlessly watches and fixates on The Human Centipede decides to create one of his own. The Lowdown: As reprehensible a piece of filmmaking as you're ever likely to see. This is the textbook definition of a work with no redeeming social value.
Starring: Logan Lerman, Matthew Mcfadyen, Luke Evans, Ray Stevenson, Milla Jovovich, Christoph Waltz

The Three Musketeers

The Story: The umpteenth retelling of The Three Musketeers with added material and CGI jiggery pokery. The Lowdown: Large, lumbering, loud and criminally stupid, but appealingly amusing in its jaw-dropping aggregation of asininity.

The Thing

The Story: A prequel to the 1982 The Thing, detailing the discovery of the creature. The Lowdown: It won't harm you or rot your brain -- but unless you're easily amused by gory creature antics for their own sake, there's nothing new here.
Starring: Alfred Abel, Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp

Metropolis (The Moroder Version)

The Story: Fritz Lang's unique vision of workers versus capitalism in the city of the future. The Lowdown: Giorgio Moroder's "pop" version of Metropolis doesn't all work and its soundtrack feels dated, but it remains a fascinating try -- and it's still Metropolis.

The Way

The Story: When his son dies walking the Camino de Santiago, a father decides to finish the spiritual journey for him. The Lowdown: A thoroughly nice, well-meaning, but completely predictable little movie that will appeal to audiences in tune with its themes.


The Hendersonville Film Society will show Dragnet at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 23, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.
Starring: Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard, Willie Best, Paul Lukas, Richard Carlson, Anthony Quinn

The Ghost Breakers

The Asheville Film Society will screen The Ghost Breakers on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.
Starring: Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Manners, Edward Van Sloan, Dwight Frye


The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Dracula on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Oct. 19-25: Higher Ground Paranormal English Musketeers in Metropolis

An interesting week—at least in terms of the art side of the ledger. The mainstream side is another matter altogether, and a pretty grim one. Was the world really clamoring for the umpteenth version of The Three Musketeers or a second Johnny English movie or a third Paranormal Activity one? Certainly I wasn’t. On the other hand, we do have Emilio Estevez’s The Way opening at the Fine Arts and Vera Farmiga’s Higher Ground opening at The Carolina, which also has two nights (Friday and Saturday) of the Giorgio Moroder version of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. And there are a couple of four-waller things floating around, too, but that’s another matter altogether.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Oct. 12-18: Big Year of the Footloose Mozart Attack the Block Thing

Another week, another outburst of movies, but no boxing robots this round—and judging by what folks went to see last week, it appears that boxing robots are the happening thing. Go figure. Instead, this week finds us with The Big Year, Footloose and The Thing is the realm of the wide-release, while Mozart’s Sister opens at the Fine Arts and Attack the Block finally makes it to The Carolina. And I sincerely hope they get better moviegoer support than Restless and The Whistleblower did.

Starring: George Zucco, David Bruce, Evelyn Ankers / Lon Chaney, Jr., Anne Gwynne, Evelyn Ankers

The Mad Ghoul / Weird Woman

The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen The Mad Ghoul and Weird Woman on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.
Starring: Nick Frost, Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Luke Treadaway, Alex Esmail, Paige Meade

Attack the Block

The Story: A teenage gang in a London public-housing building team up with a nurse they recently mugged to fight off an alien invasion. The Lowdown: An absolutely perfect film of its kind -- tense, suspenseful, exciting, very funny -- and with an undercurrent of something more.
Starring: Julian West, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel, Sybille Schmitz, Jan Hieronimko, Henriette Gérard


Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Vampyr at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, at Phil Mechanic Studios, 109 Roberts St., River Arts District (upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,

Mozart’s Sister

The Story: An imagining of the life of Mozart's older sister, Maria Anna 'Nannerl' Mozart, and her thwarted musical ambitions. The Lowdown: A solid -- if highly fictionalized -- biographical drama that is actually at its best when it is the most fictional. The ideas are intriguing throughout, but the approach is ultimately too intellectualized…

The Ides of March

The Story: An idealistic young campaign staffer learns that politics isn't what he envisioned, and that the candidate he believes in isn't flawless. The Lowdown: Rock-solid filmmaking, good drama and a splendid cast all fall just short of adding up to the powerful political exposé the film wants to be.
Starring: Oliver Reed, Orson Welles, Carol White, Wendy Craig, Marianne Faithful, Harry Andrews

I’ll Never Forget What’s’isname

The Asheville Film Society will screen I'll Never Forget What's'isname Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.