The Double Hour

The Story: A lonely security guard and an equally lonely immigrant woman meet at a speed-dating event and seem to click, but things are not exactly what they seem. The Lowdown: Delightful in its various twists and turns where the viewer is increasingly unsure of how real what's being shown is, but ultimately a little…


The Thursday Horror Picture Show will screen Inferno Thursday, May 26, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

7th Heaven

The Asheville Film Society will screen 7th Heaven Tuesday, May 31, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the AFS.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 25-31: A double hour of 13 panda assassins with hangovers

Last week was pretty much given over to Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. This week is more diverse with two new art titles—13 Assassins (Carolina) and The Double Hour (Fine Arts)—and two mainstream ones—The Hangover Part II (everywhere but Carmike) and Kung Fu Panda (everywhere but Beaucatcher). It’s an interesting array at the very least.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: The mythbustin­g of 1939

Anyone with even a casual interest in the history of the movies has almost certainly encountered the widely accepted “fact” that 1939 was the best year for movies ever. (TCM’s Robert Osborne never tires of reminding us of this.) The claim seems to be based on 1939 producing Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz with everything else of even moderate value packed in afterwards to support what is to me an insupportable point. Or like the song says, “It ain’t necessarily so.” Of course, that statement means I have to attempt to support my assertion that 1939 is not the best year for movies. It’s a fool’s errand, but I’ll have a bash.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler May 18-24: Pirates, shills, and a couple of French icons

Since this is the week that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides opens, it’s otherwise a slack week in the realm of mainstream releases. Put simply, no studio in its right mind wants to go head-to-head with Capt. Jack Sparrow and his crew. However,  this is Asheville where we have The Carolina and the Fine Arts, meaning that indie/art titles will go where the mainstream fears to tread, which in this case means that The Greatest Movie Ever Sold and Bloodworth are opening at The Carolina, and Potiche is opening at the Fine Arts. As Zero Mostel once said, “That’s for those of you who have absolutely no interest in pirates.”


Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present Alice at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 20m at Phil Mechanic Studios (109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,


The Story: A retired vampire-fighting priest returns to his profession when his niece is kidnapped by blood-suckers. The Lowdown: An utterly ridiculous melange of elements slapped together from various genres and movies that reaches a level of insanity that's entertaining for all the wrong reasons.


The Story: A friendship dating back to childhood is threatened by the encroachment of a new friend during preparations for a wedding. The Lowdown: A coarse comedy that trades heavily in gross-out humor is made agreeable by the humanity and believable nature of its characters.

The Hudsucker Proxy

The Asheville Film Society will screen The Hudsucker Proxy Tuesday, May 24, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the A.F.S.


The Story: When her husband is taken ill, a trophy wife has to take over the family umbrella factory -- and proves better at it than he is. The Lowdown: French farce of the lightest kind that's made charming and satisfying thanks to stylish direction and two iconic stars.


The Hendersonville Film Society will show Topkapi at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 22, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville).


The Asheville Art Museum and Fanaticon2 are presenting Marwencol for one show only at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 19, at the Fine Arts Theatre. Admission is $8 for Museum Members and $10 for nonmembers. Seats may be reserved by contacting Nancy Sokolove, Adult Program Manger for reservations at (828) 253-3226 ext. 120 or at…

Lost Horizon

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Lost Horizon at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 15, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Something Borrowed

The Story: When Rachel sleeps with her best friend's fiance, she and said fiance realize they're in love. Tedium ensues. The Lowdown: An absolutely awful example of the rom-com filled with amazingly awful characters.


The Story: Exiled from the realm of Asgard by his father, Odin, Thor finds himself on Earth where he has to earn back his god powers. The Lowdown: A fun comic-book movie that is reasonably serious without taking it all too seriously. A good cast -- and a strong lead -- help, as does Kenneth…

Everything Must Go

The Story: An alcoholic salesman loses his job and returns home to find himself locked out and all his belongings thrown out on the lawn, so he decides to just live there. The Lowdown: A very fine dramatic film with touches of comedy that's one of the best things to come out this year --…
Starring: Scott Antony, Dorothy Tutin, Helen Mirren, Lindsay Kemp, John Justin, Peter Vaughan

Savage Messiah

The Asheville Film Society will screen Savage Messiah Tuesday, May 17, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of The Carolina Asheville and will be hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther. Hanke is the artistic director of the AFS.

In the Mood for Love

Classic World Cinema by Courtyard Gallery will present In the Mood for Love at 8 p.m. Friday, May 13, at Phil Mechanic Studios (109 Roberts St., River Arts District, upstairs in the Railroad Library). Info: 273-3332,