
The Story: A man whose father was killed by a landmine and whose own life has been compromised by a bullet lodged in his brain decides to get back at the munition makers who created both. The Lowdown: The best film of the summer! A delight -- but with thoughtfulness -- from start to finish.…

The Fall

The Asheville Film Society will screen The Fall Tuesday, July 13, at 8 p.m. in the Cinema Lounge of the Carolina Asheville. Hosted by Xpress movie critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther.

Le Corbeau

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Le Corbeau at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 11, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

You Try Making a Movie in 48 Hours

I’m assuming that by now everyone more or less knows the concept but, briefly, it starts from the most level playing field possible with participants being given a line of dialogue, a character name and a prop that all have to be used. That part is the same for everyone. What differs — and really evens things out — is that each team is assigned a genre to work in, so if you’ve spent all year dreaming up a horror picture and you draw “musical/Western,” you’re in trouble.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Happy Birthday Ken Russell

This was originally going to be a column about great opening scenes in movies, but the more I played with that idea the more I found myself thinking about the fact that any such list of mine was going to include at least four openings from Ken Russell pictures (I’ll save what those are for the column in question). And since today Ken Russell turns 83—making him longest-lived enfant terrible in the history of cinema—I’ve opted for this instead.

Knight and Day

The Story: A woman's life is turned upside down when she becomes involved with a secret agent on the run from his own people. The Lowdown: An occasionally pleasant action/comedy that expects too much from its stars without giving them a whole lot to work with.

Solitary Man

The Story: A look into the life of an ego-driven, disgraced businessman as he tries to rebuild his life, making every mistake he can in the process. The Lowdown: A wholly absorbing character study with an unlikely -- and generally unlikable -- protagonist, who becomes fascinating due to skillful writing and a powerful performance.

Harry Brown

The Story: An elderly man decides to take the law into his own hands when his only friend is killed by gang members. The Lowdown: Though it could easily be read as just an exercise in vigilante justice, there's something much deeper going on in Harry Brown, thanks in no small part to Michael Caine…

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler June 30-July 6: Might I suggest a good book?

In the immortal words of the immortal Groucho Marx when faced with Chico’s piano solo in the immortal Horse Feathers (1932), “I’ve got to stay here, but there’s no reason you folks shouldn’t go out into the lobby till this thing blows over.” If it weren’t for Harry Brown opening, that would be exactly how I would feel about this week’s movies.

Jonah Hex

The Story: Embittered and disfigured bounty hunter Jonah Hex is called on by President Grant to stop a madman from destroying the country. The Lowdown: The flattest direction imaginable sinks whatever amusement value this film might have had -- and that was marginal to begin with.