Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Choose up sides

Several moves ago, I had a very small book of Leigh Hunt essays. I would love to know what became of it because it contained an essay that dealt with the idea of not comparing things to make a point. Hunt’s example was that he’d no desire to hear someone prove to him the relative lack of value of a kitten because it was inferior to a puppy. The idea was that we should continue to like that which is likable in anything without trying to render it unlikable by pointing out its inferiority to something else. I like that. I think it’s a swell idea. I also think—human nature being what it is—that it’s an unlikely idea to catch on. Nowhere does it seem less likely to me than with movie fans.

The Crazies

The Story: A biological warfare experiment gets out of control and infects a small town, turning its victims into psychotic killers. The Lowdown: A surprisingly effective and generally well done remake of George A. Romero's low-budget 1973 film, with better-than-average characters.


The Hendersonville Film Society will show Titanic at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 7, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community (behind Epic Cinemas), 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville.

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler March 3-9: Through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole

It’s the week of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. Whether you’re primed to love it or hate it—or just approach it with caution—do you really need to know anything else about the moviegoing choices this Friday? Probably not. I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t have some opinion on the wisdom of this undertaking, and isn’t at least curious about the results.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Who really cares about Oscar?

I have a friend who won’t even read my columns at this time of year because of the Oscars. Indeed, he has it in mind that I need to take some kind of boycott stance on the whole thing. In many ways, I understand his ire. It’s only two columns ago that I wrote, “When I start thinking like the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, I’ll know I’ve been doing this too long.”

Shutter Island

The Story: A U.S. Marshall and his new partner are sent to a very mysterious maximum-security insane asylum after a patient inexplicably disappears from her room. The Lowdown: Martin Scorsese's psychological thriller is more than a stylish thriller, though it's certainly stylish and atmospheric. However, it's a film that may irritate some viewers by refusing…

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Feb. 24-March 2: Spring is definitely not here

OK, so we got lucky last week with Shutter Island (see review in this week’s Xpress). It doesn’t follow that you should expect cinematic crocus popping up out of the snow this week. Far, far from it. We are reminded, instead, of the validity of Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of more winter to come in the form of Kevin Smith’s Cop Out and Breck Eisner’s The Crazies.

The Wolfman

The Story: When his brother is mysteriously killed, an actor appearing in London visits the family's ancestral home to learn the truth -- with tragic results. The Lowdown: A respectable and respectful remake of the 1941 horror staple. It's good as a straightforward horror picture, but it could have been more.

Valentine’s Day

The Story: Various people's lives and romances cross paths on the titular day. The Lowdown: Big stars and not-so-big stars flit past on the screen in a creatively specious, multistory film that works on the premise that everything can be made right in two hours. It's not unwatchable, but it's not good.

The Last Station

The Story: The story of the last year in the life of the writer Leo Tolstoy -- and the battle for the control of his estate. The Lowdown: A surprisingly entertaining, beautifully made historical film with large doses of humor and brilliant performances from Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer.