
The Story: Biopic about the French painter Séraphine de Senlis and her patron Wilhelm Uhde. The Lowdown: A leisurely-paced biographical drama that benefits from strong performances and a respect for the mystery of both the creative and appreciative process.

Where the Wild Things Are

The Story: A young boy runs away from home after a fight with his mother and travels to a magical island inhabited by fantastic creatures that mirror himself and his real life. The Lowdown: An ambitious, not entirely successful attempt to flesh out the children's book by Maurice Sendak. Rarely less than fascinating, but somehow…

It Might Get Loud

The Story: Three rock guitar masters -- Jimmy Page, The Edge, Jack White -- discuss their beginnings and get together to discuss their art. The Lowdown: A simple concept that works because the film at least offers the feeling that you're seeing its subjects at their most unguarded.

Man Hunt

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Man Hunt at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 25, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park…

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Seven movies, five days, culture shock

As those of you who read these columns reguarly know, I was in Florida last week—in large part to bring a long-lost (well, sort of) friend who hadn’t seen a new movie since probably the early 1990s into the 21st century of films. I discussed the choices—and potential choices—a column back, so it seems only reasonable to bring everyone up to date and how the experiment went.


The Story: A former cellist ends up taking a job for an outfit that prepares the dead for cremation. The Lowdown: Pleasurable, perceptive drama with an unusual, thought-provoking premise that’s used to explore some universal themes.

North by Northwest

The Hendersonville Film Society will show North by Northwest at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and…

Lorna’s Silence

The Story: An Albanian immigrant becomes involved in a plot to obtain money that involves citizenship papers, convenient marriages and possibly murder. The Lowdown: A deep-dish drama about human nature that works as a kind of crime thriller -- one that's held together by the performance of Albanian actress Arta Dobroshi.

Whip It

The Story: A teenage girl finds herself when she lies about her age and joins a roller-derby team. The Lowdown: Thoroughly predictable and completely successful at doing what you want such a movie to do -- but with good performances and without insulting your intelligence.


The Story: After a zombie plague, a group of mismatched survivors make their way through what remains of the world in search of a safe place. The Lowdown: A pretty funny zombie comedy that gets points for reveling in its gruesomeness, decent characterizations and clever touches along the way.

The September Issue

The Story: A look inside the world of Anna Wintour and Vogue magazine as she masterminds their all-important title issue. The Lowdown: A nicely made documentary that suffers from an impenetrable central character, but scores points with its portrait of that character's creative visionary associate.

The Invention of Lying

The Story: In a world where no one can lie, one man discovers he has this ability -- altering both his life and the lives of everyone else. The Lowdown: What could have been a fairly standard high-concept comedy is transformed into something much more intriguing because of the philosophical questions it raises.

The Gods Must Be Crazy

The Hendersonville Film Society will show The Gods Must Be Crazy at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 11, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing…

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: A crash course for the 21st century in film

I have a friend who hasn’t actually seen a movie made after 1995. He’s of course heard things about the state of modern film, and what he’s heard hasn’t enticed him to venture into it. Naturally, I’ve taken it upon myself—with his seemingly enthusiastic permission—to bring him into the 21st century of movies. The trick is I have five—maybe six—days in which to do this. The question then is how to do this?