The Golden Compass

The Story: A young girl is the key to fulfilling a prophecy that threatens the foundations of the ruling faction of her world. The Lowdown: Creative, entertaining and sometimes disturbing (in a good way), this is a fantasy film with more going for it than just elaborate effects.


The Story: A wealthy man convinces his wife's lover to stage a burglary for their mutual benefit. The Lowdown: High-powered performances from Michael Caine and Jude Law, brisk direction from Kenneth Branagh and a viciously barbed script from Harold Pinter make this new version of the Anthony Shaffer play a remarkable experience.


The Story: A young billionaire finds himself awake on the operating table and learns his team of surgeons is planning to kill him. The Lowdown: Unintended humor is the only possible excuse for this utterly absurd thriller.

This Christmas

The Story: Complications -- comedic and dramatic -- ensue when the Whitfield family gathers for a Christmas reunion. The Lowdown: A generally entertaining, well-made Christmas offering enlivened by likable characterizations and brisk direction.

Gojira (Godzilla)

Ishiro Honda's Gojira (Godzilla) is part of a series of Classic Cinema From Around the World. The film was scheduled to be screened Friday, Nov. 23, but was cancelled. It has been rescheduled to show Friday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. at Courtyard Gallery, 9 Walnut St. in downtown Asheville. Info: 273-3332.

The List

The Story: A young lawyer seemingly disinherited by his father comes into a strange legacy by way of a secret society. The Lowdown: A slickly produced, low-budget, faith-based thriller that's light on the thrills and heavy on the faith.


The Story: Disney-ish heroine Giselle is banished to New York City by evil Queen Narissa, where she's pursued by heroic Prince Edward and a doltish henchman. The Lowdown: An altogether charming family film that's propelled to greater heights by the star-making performance of Amy Adams.

No Country for Old Men

The Story: A sheriff pursues a man who has walked away with $2 million in drug money -- hoping to get to him before a psychotic hit man does. The Lowdown: A brutal, chilling and disturbing thriller with brilliantly drawn characters and a balancing undercurrent of humanity. Remarkable.


The Story: The legendary epic poem (that literature teachers have tortured students with for years) about the heroic Beowulf fighting the monster Grendel comes to the big screen. The Lowdown: Technically impressive (at least in 3-D), but dramatically rather dull for anyone who isn't a diehard fan of ancient fantasy.