
The Story: A young man enters a world of plotting royalty, evil witches and enchantment when he crosses a wall into an alternate reality in his search for a fallen star. The Lowdown: A rich fantasy with delightful comedy and characters. Brilliantly directed by Matthew Vaughn and superbly acted by a stellar cast, this is…

The Last Unicorn

Walk-in Theatre presents The Last Unicorn at dark on Friday, Aug. 10, in the parking lot behind the Bledsoe Building in West Asheville. Sponsored by the merchants of the Bledsoe Building. As usual, admission is free, but please leave pets and alcohol at home.

The Bourne Ultimatum

The Story: Amnesiac C.I.A. agent Jason Bourne is on the run again as new information surfaces that might lead to learning his real identity. The Lowdown: Terrific action set pieces and a sense of something weightier than usual in action movies make this thriller worthy fare.


The Story: Four BFFs with a "passion for fashion" try to wrest control of their repressive high school from the mean daughter of the airheaded principal. The Lowdown: Dubious life lessons housed in what is conceivably the worst movie ever made.

Photographing Fairies

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Photographing Fairies at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park…

Brooklyn Rules

The Story: The lives and fates of three Brooklyn boys and their brushes with organized crime are the crux of this low-budget drama. The Lowdown: The only astonishing thing about this wayward movie is that it actually secured a release.

I Know Who Killed Me

The Story: A young woman -- minus a few body parts -- escapes from a mad killer and claims not to be the person everyone thinks she is. The Lowdown: Hysterically funny, impossibly convoluted, totally unbelievable, frightfully embarrassing and occasionally distasteful.

No Reservations

The Story: A temperamental chef finds herself saddled with an orphaned niece and an unwanted sous-chef she thinks wants her job. The Lowdown: An OK diversion that's never as moving or as funny as it thinks it is, and ultimately just feels a little phony.


The Story: When a device that allows users to enter other people's dreams is stolen, the world is threatened to be plunged into chaos from a gigantic collective nightmare turned real. The Lowdown: This is one extremely wild ride, but a wild ride with something on its mind. It's also easily the best movie around…

Radio Days

The Hendersonville Film Society will show Radio Days at 2 p.m. Sunday, August 5, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and park…

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

The Story: Two firefighters pretend to be a gay couple in order to secure domestic partner benefits so that the children of one of them may be insured. The Lowdown: Often offensive and largely unfunny -- unless you're on the Adam Sandler wavelength -- this latest Sandler opus doesn't work, but it at least seems…

My Brilliant Career

The Hendersonville Film Society will show My Brilliant Career at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 29, in the Smoky Mountain Theater at Lake Pointe Landing Retirement Community, 333 Thompson St., Hendersonville. (From Asheville, take I-26 to U.S. 64 West, turn right at the third light onto Thompson Street. Follow to the Lake Point Landing entrance and…


The Story: Overweight teen Tracy Turnblad becomes a local celebrity and role model thanks to a Baltimore dance show. The Lowdown: Energetic, fast-moving, tuneful fun that's hands-down the best of the summer movies to date.