Writer supports Miranda DeBruhl for county commission­er

Miranda DeBruhl will bring fiscal responsibility to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. I am supporting Miranda DeBruhl because of her commitment to fiscal responsibility, local small business and private property rights. A native of Buncombe County, Miranda lives in Leicester with her husband, Kelly, and their two young children. Miranda is a registered nurse […]

Biology, history surround ‘foot etiquette’ and hookworms

After reading letters  like Kriss Sands’ on being barred from the Mountain State Fair for going barefoot [“Why I Won’t Be Attending Mountain State Fair This year,” Sept. 10, Xpress] and also seeing people disregarding the “No Shoes, No Service” public health codes in Asheville stores and restaurants, I feel people need a little biology and history lesson […]

Don’t throw buskers under the bus

As the city considers different ideas for the proposed “enhancement” of downtown (see the 2014 Downtown Enhancement Plan at avl.mx/0gw), please don’t throw buskers under the bus. Many of Asheville’s creative community — not only musicians but artists of all kinds — depend on street performance as part of their livelihood. Visitors and locals experience the street […]

The groove is gone, and history is small consolatio­n

I truly enjoyed the last edition [Sept. 3] of Mountain Xpress. There was the sense of history, “been-there-done-that” and what it was and what it has become, but that is where my enjoyment ended. Asheville has become its own worst nightmare, becoming the land of wealthy bank accounts and Land Rovers. Although the aforementioned won’t realize it […]

Is Moffitt lying or out of touch?

In his current television ad for re-election to the state Legislature, Rep. Tim Moffitt, R-Buncombe, states:  “Obama has tanked our economy.” According to the Wall Street Journal, this year’s second-quarter gross domestic product  expanded to 4.2 percent; banks are lending amounts not seen since the 2007 financial crisis; home sales continue to rise as do home values; inflation […]

Support growing for improved transporta­tion options

Public support for improving our access to safe, active transportation options continues to grow in Asheville. Last week’s “Long Walk Ahead,” [Aug. 27, Xpress] by Jake Frankel pinpointed specific sidewalk investments by the city of Asheville. While funding challenges remain, I believe our city is responding to the message that multimodal transportation is an important […]