Consider joining fracking discussion on Sept. 12

I’m concerned about fracking coming to Western North Carolina, so I’m going to a hearing about it in Cullowhee on Friday, Sept. 12. Please consider joining us. (See Fracking threatens drinking water wells, which more than 3 million people in North Carolina rely on for their drinking water. North Carolina’s shale formations are closer to the […]

Should film critics consider moral characters of directors and actors?

Referencing Janet Burhoe-Jones’ letter [“Promotion of Roman Polanski Film Appalling,” July 30, Xpress] regarding the review of “Venus in Fur”:  Is Roman Polanski morally reprehensible? A court thought so. Should film critics take into consideration the moral characters of directors and actors (think Woody Allen) when recommending movies?  If so, half the theaters in the country […]