Local Spin

OK, so Bouchons's owner (and Asheville's favorite French ex-pat) Michel Baudouin might not be the greatest music lover. But man, has he served some of music's greatest.   "It was totally by accident," Baudouin writes about waiting on Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards. "I worked in a small bistro [in Paris], and time to time, […]

Review of One Flea Spare

It’s the 1660s and the silly Restoration has been interrupted by the Plague. A wealthy London family is sealed up in their house by the authorities because their servants have died laden with “tokens” of the scourge, and the nailing up of the windows and the guarding of the doors of afflicted households were all they knew to slow the mysterious progress of the disease.

It takes a village

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month — a chance for the Buncombe County Department of Social Services to educate area residents about how each of us can help support a safe, healthy and thriving community. Protecting our children requires a strong commitment by residents who, individually and collectively, care enough to report their concerns: […]

“Mountain Shame,” indeed

After reading “Mountain Shame,” Jake Frankel's account of the labor unrest and possible union organization of The Marion Manufacturing Company on October 2, 1929, my interest was piqued about that fateful day [March 30 Xpress]. In my research into this event, I learned that there were elements of this tragedy that Mr. Frankel did not […]

Let your community garden grow

Reems Creek Nursery offers a variety of workshops and presentations throughout the growing season, and next up is the Home Orchards seminar. The Saturday, April 16, session is all about creating your own edible landscape. It will focus on home-orchard basics, such as choosing your fruit trees, siting and planting your trees, and a bit […]

Are you ready to HATCH your creative career?

This weekend, Asheville will host an eclectic liberal arts festival known as HATCH. Downtown galleries, studios and amphitheatres will be converted into HATCH venues for workshops and networking engagements. The HATCH festival combines the creative disciplines of music, architecture, art, fashion, photography and journalism. HATCH’s unique format allows up-and-comers to interact with industry professionals through […]

Bears, bills and health rankings

An April 4 report on the NaturalNews Network claimed that legislation in the North Carolina General Assembly was about to "criminalize naturopaths, homeopaths, herablists, midwives, aromatherapists as felons." But the bill (SB 31), amended and passed today by the House, simply changes the current penalty level for people who "misrepresent themselves as licensed physicians," according […]

What is all the hurry about?

Recently I read several “road rage” letters in the Mountain Xpress. I agree with “Road Rage Recipes” by Glen Resse in the March 30 issue. I was a Buncombe County special deputy for 20 years. During that time, I attended several criminal justice classes. The first thing that is taught is the definition of the […]

Capitalist­s strike back?

Nathan Strong is obviously a dyed-in-the-wool communist, so nothing I say is going to change his mind, but for the people who might be swayed I thought I should respond to his letter [“Green Capitalism Still Sucks,” March 30 Xpress]. What he forgets is that most people work simply and purely for the money they […]

The Profiler

The Suspect: Danielson Frontman Daniel Smith has performed in a 9-foot fruit-bearing tree costume, a nurse’s uniform and in a somber Bible-salesman suit as the leader of this indie-pop gospel group from New Jersey. He just released his first album in five years, The Best of Gloucester County, where he gets a little help from […]

Let’s have a no-nuke future

Proposed legislation promoting 200 new U.S. nuclear reactors is foolhardy. Construction costs will continue to escalate, exceeding $10 billion each before any could be operational 10 years hence; $2 trillion for completion would become the largest energy boondoggle in U.S. history. Furthermore, despite claims it's "clean,” dirty fossil fuel is expended, deadly radioactive waste created […]