The Beat

Leaf season is peaking this week throughout much of Western North Carolina. And the spectacular natural phenomenon is attracting the attention of local and national media outlets alike. TripAdvisor, a national Web outlet that bills itself as "the world's largest travel site," revealed last week that Asheville topped its survey as the best fall-foliage destination […]


Things in the U.S. and globally seem to be moving faster and faster in the wrong direction. While we are hurtling toward a cliff edge, we are busy squabbling in the back seat. My hopes for our collective future are hanging by a thread. What does this have to do with the fate of 103.5 […]

Sound Track

Vanatu Kava bar offered the perfect vibe for the now-local singer/songwriter Chelsea Lynn LaBate to spin her intricate stories. As she said between her first few songs, “It feels like a house show … carpets, couches, small spaces. I love it!” Spinning stories: Singer/songwriter Chelsea Lynn LaBate, who also performs with Ten Cent Poetry. Photo […]

Elitist Bastards: Like Secretaria­t Dust

In this week’s Elitist Bastards Go To The Movies, Xpress film critics Ken Hanke and Justin Souther discuss current releases Secretariat, My Soul To Take, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, Life as We Know It and Like Dandelion Dust. They also praise Gods and Monsters, next week’s Asheville Film Society screening, and consider soon-to-open films I Want Your Money, N-Secure, RED, Never Let Me Go and Jackass 3D.

The candidates speak: Video of the League of Women Voters Forum ***UPDATED­***

The League of Women Voters just celebrated its 90th birthday, and here in Asheville, celebrating means doing what they always do at election time: host a candidate forum. On Tuesday, Oct. 12, that’s just what happened. This post contains video of the entire forum and Twitter dispatches from Xpress staffers Jake Frankel and Michael Muller.

Behind the scenes video preview: Shuler, Miller to discuss positions live tonight on WLOS

In a live broadcast expected to reach nearly 100,000 voters tonight, Oct. 14, in the 11th District, incumbent Congressman Heath Shuler and his Republican challenger Jeff Miller will appear together on WLOS in an informal “sit down” with news anchor Russ Bowen. Xpress reporters Michael Muller and Jake Frankel visited the WLOS studios last night for a behind-the-scenes video tour of the studio and to get a preview of the big event.

Closer than you think

On Coal River, the new documentary by Asheville-based filmmakers Francine Cavanaugh and Adams Wood, shows that North Carolina is the largest consumer of coal in the United States. The film shows how the mining industry has negatively affected residents in the Appalachian region. But Cavanaugh and Woods are optimistic over the possibilities of change in […]

Strychnine and soda pop

For long-time Asheville music fans, watching the Mad Tea Party develop its sound has been a consistently fascinating delight. On the occasion of their second Halloween 7”/download, Rock ‘N Roll Ghoul, I sat down and geeked out with Ami Worthen and Jason Krekel on a variety of topics, including the liberating aspects of writing about […]

The Profiler

The Suspect: Grace Potter & the Nocturnals Released earlier this summer, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals is actually the fourth studio album for the band. This self-titled release represents the first real push for commercial and international success; previously the band had been earning its reputation by heavy touring and appearing at lots of festivals […]

Why we support Heath Shuler

[Editor’s note: Mountain Xpress doesn’t generally accept commentaries endorsing individual candidates. But given the authors’ status and the unusual fact that six of them (none of whom is currently up for re-election) saw fit to join forces this way, we opted to provide a forum for expressing their views in more in-depth fashion than is […]

Slip-sliding away

Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Oct. 5 meeting Public hearing on state community-assistance grant Oct. 30 named Kids Voting Day After years of controversy and delays, the Buncombe County commissioners unanimously approved tougher regulations governing steep-slope development at their Oct. 5 session. Supporters said the new zoning ordinances will help preserve mountain views and reduce […]

Do your scientific homework

The column in a recent Mountain Xpress about Progress Energy's dust storage from coal-burning raises a number of interesting points [”When the Dust Settles,” Sept. 29] notes that scrubbers at the facility removed 93 percent of combustion products, so the issue evidently bears on the storage of some remaining residue, approximately seven percent. Were scrubbers […]

Support the sustainabi­lity proposal

I write in support of the sustainability proposal that is up for a vote by the members of Asheville's City Council. It is my hope and expectation that it will pass unanimously so that it can begin benefiting our entire community. This sustainability proposal is a monumental, long-in-the-works document. The proposal marks the first time […]

Sick and tired of attack ads

I am so tired of advertisements that slander the opposing candidate. Don't the hopefuls have enough qualifications (or are they just not able to stand on their own record) to be elected without the mudslinging? I will vote for the candidate that has the moral fiber not to resort to name-calling and slander. How did […]