Woodfin doesn’t need a traffic roundabout

As a lifelong citizen of Woodfin and Asheville, I am profoundly disappointed by the Woodfin's town administrator, Jason Young, being in favor of the proposed "roundabout" project, especially considering that very few were in favor of this project last Tuesday (May 18).  This "roundabout" is not only unnecessary but obviously frivolous; Young gave no purpose […]

Celebratin­g the great green outdoors

Bigger and better: That's the promise for this year's Mountain Sports Festival from director Christen McNamara. That means more sports events and a ramped-up entertainment slate, all wrapped up in a brand-new green package. Get set, get ready, go! The Mountain Sports Festival offers fun and competition for athletes of all ages. Photo courtesy city […]


In Asheville, art can be found in some unlikely places. Walk into the new game shop on Page Avenue called Blitzkrieg Games, for example, and a collection of large and atypical paintings hang throughout the room. In one, an army tank rolls ominously towards the viewer; in another, a submarine breaks surface. While they may […]

Like some music with those sports?

After a good day of playing 18 holes of disc golf, or cycling 100 miles through some of the mountains' best views (if you can still stand up after such a ride), let those muscles relax with some live music. The Mountain Sports Festival delivers, bringing some of the finest local and regional acts to […]

Outdoors: Charity on wheels

Your car may express your personality, but your license plate can tell the world what cause you support. North Carolina offers more than 100 specialty plates for you to choose from. For an extra $30 a year, you can support and help promote one of several popular outdoor destinations. The organization in question receives $20 […]

Why early childhood education is important

Research shows that the first five years of life lay the foundation for all future learning and that those [receiving] high quality care are far more likely to graduate from high school, commit fewer crimes, be homeowners and have higher earnings. More importantly, they will provide communities with a higher skilled workforce that will be […]

What’s NOT to like about Democratic values?

I found Mr. Christian Eck's view — that Democratic values are somehow not complementary to "mountain values" — most shortsighted and offensive ["Democrats Don't Represent Our Mountain Values," May 5]. Let's look another way at some of the ones he lists: Limited government. These two words mean absolutely nothing without the details. Does it mean […]

Thanks, Asheville — from us at Fanaticon

We hope you'll allow us this opportunity and forum to thank the people of Asheville and our neighboring communities for supporting FANATICON (May 15). Thanks to them, we welcomed over 3,500 attendees to our first-time event.  We were somewhat anxious about introducing a convention of this kind to the area, but any fears we had […]

Wind power or hot air?

At a November forum on wind power at UNCA, a young staffer from a regional activist group puffed that he had dedicated his life to fighting mountaintop-removal coal mining, blustering that he wasn't about to let "these NIMBYs" who oppose industrializing Western North Carolina's ridge tops stand in his way. As a child of coal […]

Eatin’ in Season

It's strawberry season again. Though imported strawberries are available in grocery stores throughout the year, many prefer the taste of local berries, which are available in the Southern Appalachians only in the spring. Ask farmers market shoppers the reasons for their preference, and they'll cite the sweeter, more intense flavor and the redder flesh of […]