Outdoors: Up a tree

Picture this: After knocking off for the day, a spry young woman (hereinafter referred to as Becky) emerges from her place of business on Kenilworth Road and finds, to her surprise, a strange black-and-white dog sitting at the base of a large oak tree, gazing upward longingly. Upon closer inspection, Becky discovers a young, bearded […]

Make way for longboard commuters

I am writing in response to the March 10 Xpress cover story, "It's a Grind." I fully support the idea of retooling the skateboard ordinance. I think there are a few issues at play here. One is the fact that some kids with skateboards tear stuff up. This unfortunately is going to make it a […]

End our wars to achieve real security

A guest commentary I submitted (see http://vfpchapter099wnc.blogspot.com/) to the Mountain Xpress in response to the March 3 article, "Asheville-based National Guard Unit Heads to Iraq," was rejected because it wasn't about a local issue. The editors, however, graciously suggested I write a letter. We keep sending young people off to war. We do this because […]

We don’t need the GOP to fix what they’ve broken

According to a recent newspaper ad, the Buncombe County Republican Party has announced precinct meetings in March and its county convention on March 27. The ad states: "Tired of special interests controlling Washington and Raleigh? Disappointed in politicians who say one thing and do another? Worried that our government might never get back on track? […]

Don’t buy Republican­s lies

Listen up, people. The Republicans will use every untruth and dirty trick they can to get back in power, so that they can destroy the middle and lower classes. They only care about the rich and being in power. That should be clear now. They don't care about "we the people." They destroyed my retirement […]

The Green Scene

Battling energy costs one draft at a time The folks at Land-of-Sky Regional Council submitted this news item: Who knew that a snake could help keep the cold away? Through the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program, residents of Laurel Woods Apartments in south Asheville volunteered to stuff and decorate 17 draft-stoppers — aka "draft-constrictors," since […]

Stepping away

"Don't forget to have a good time." If Ani DiFranco has said anything important over the years, and she has, this line from her last record, 2008's Red Letter Year, should rank right up there. It seems like an obvious statement, but it's deceptively simple. And even someone as lyrically smart and fearless as DiFranco […]

Beware our codependen­t medical system

Fellow readers: I've been one of you for 16 years and finally find myself writing to you. This is about the custody-case piece in the Feb. 24 Mountain Xpress. Actually, it's about health care and government in general. The coverage of Ryan's custody experience brought to the fore a complex issue that is deeply disturbing […]

Xpress’ electronic-music section failed to touch on TOUCH Samadhi

Your March 3 cover package on Asheville's electronic-music scene was excellent, save for one oversight: the failure to make a single reference to one of the oldest electronic-music collectives in the area, TOUCH Samadhi. For over 10 years, TS has been throwing regular electronic-music events in the Asheville area, including Downtown Get-Down events at Pritchard […]

Not sold on benefits of local banking

Regarding Bruce Mulkey's Feb. 24 commentary in Xpress, "Just Say No to Megabanks," I have had an interesting and completely opposite experience with one local bank. … I recently closed my checking account there, and I refuse to do any more business with them. I moved to Asheville in 1997. … I started thinking about […]

Buncombe needs Patsy Keever representi­ng us in Raleigh

Patsy Keever spent 25 years in Asheville schools teaching many of the people reading this letter — and another 12 years serving on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. Whether running for Congress or running a triathlon, Patsy doesn't stop, even to retire. Now with North Carolina's economy faltering, mountainsides sliding and Buncombe neighbors struggling […]