Diversify! Xpress, your photo-spread is hetero-normative

I was disappointed in the Valentine's photo spread in last week's Xpress [Feb. 10] for only representing heterosexual couples. Asheville is lucky to have a diverse and thriving GLBTQ community, and by choosing not to represent this community in these photos, Xpress is reinforcing a hetero-normative culture that isn't a true representation of our town. […]

African-Americans should support civil rights for gays

I was disappointed and dismayed while watching the televised Asheville City Council meeting over same-sex domestic-partnership benefits being extended to Asheville city employees. It seems that a good part of the African-American community is in opposition to this measure, including Asheville's African-American mayor. I find this disheartening. The gay and lesbian community has stood up […]

The challenges of choice

If you live in Asheville and have one or more children who'll be entering kindergarten next fall, it's time to start the process of selecting a school. It's a privilege to be able to choose from among a number of great schools, but to some parents, it might feel like a burden. Growing up, most […]

Snow-plowed in by the city

I want to say "thank you" to the city of Asheville for doing such a "great job" of pushing the snow on the street in front of my driveway, building a mountain of snow — frozen snow — so nobody can enter the driveway. The city is solving one problem, freeing the streets of snow, […]

Disclaimer bit on church puzzle project is unworthy of even the birdcage

The piece in the Asheville Disclaimer page about Mills River Presbyterian Church ["World's Largest Puzzle Completed," Jan. 27] was tasteless and crass. I appreciate creative satire and humor, but this spoof was neither. It sadly demonstrated the extreme lack of creativity and poor judgment of managing editor Jon Elliston and the entire management staff of […]

Supports domestic-partner benefits, but only for same-sex partners

I strongly support domestic-partner benefits for gay public employees, as Asheville City Council member Gordon Smith is proposing. However, I favor restricting the benefits to same sex-partners only, as several North Carolina towns already do. The reason for this is that I don't know the mean fertility rate of opposite-sex domestic partners, and without that […]

Teabaggers should learn from original tea party protests

I agree with [recent letters] to the Asheville Citizen-Times arguing that the "teabaggers" have it twisted. The original tea party protested transnational corporations that destroyed local colonial businesses. We must engage in revolution against mega-corporations of banking, Wall Street and other special interests that have already appropriated our government through billions in contributions and lobbying. […]

Digital lifeline to Haiti

Tuesday, Jan. 12: just another day in Asheville until my cell phone rumbled to life with the news of the earthquake in Haiti. By hook or by taxi In the midst of all of the tweeting, we still had staff unaccounted for, five days post-quake — not at all encouraging. E-mails weren't being returned, phones […]

redhanded: a songe forre the loste

These are not pretty pictures. kore loy wildrekinde-mcwhirter's etchings are drawn with great care, but they are far from pleasing. In 1898, in his What is Art, Leo Tolstoy wrote, "To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced … then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so […]

The Green Scene

"The computer and the lights you're using today in North Carolina are coming from coal-fired plants, and that coal is either coming from strip mining in the central Illinois basin or mountaintop removal," says activist and writer Jeff Biggers of the Coal Free Future Project. He's the author of The United States of Appalachia and […]