When ‘Pops’ Was Tops

About a year ago, Asheville swing-jazz conductor Russ Wilson was touring when he received an e-mail from Raleigh trombone player Bob Gregory. "He'd been noodling on the internet, looking at old sheet music, anything vintage, and he came across a Web site with transcripts of old dance band recordings," says Wilson. "The note said 'It's […]

Junker’s Blues

Winter sure is hard on creatures that try to live off of the land, and junkers are no exception. This is the time of year when all right thinking foragers spend their time in hibernation, living off the stores of scores they've made throughout the more productive months. Better to be warm, safe and secure […]

Molton errs in politicizi­ng Honor Air

I usually enjoy Randy Molton's art, whatever he's poking fun at. I was dismayed to see him use the wonderful community program, Honor Air, and an image of a veteran in his cartoon to help Rep. Heath Shuler win re-election [Molton cartoon, Jan. 20]. Jeff Miller spearheaded Honor Air, something that all of Henderson County […]

Outdoors: Happy birthday

In the midst of last month's big freeze, crews were working to reopen a section of the Blue Ridge Parkway through Asheville, because it's a commuter route. It's amazing that people are using a national park for their daily commute in Asheville. Do we know how lucky we are? Off Parkway: Sweet spots abound, often […]

Hookah or no, smoking isn’t safe

David Forbes' Jan. 13 article, "Despite Ban, Hookah Bar Still Smoking," and the accompanying photo, made smoking a hookah (water pipe) look like fun, exotic and safe. The article is full of double-talk. It says the smoking bar features a nontobacco, tea-based "shisha." Then it says "shisha" is a tobacco product. Tea can be any […]

Thanks for helping keep classical music down to earth

Alli Marshall's article Jan. 23 article, "Classical Music (No Tuxedo Required)," was a great survey of some of the wonderful classical musical opportunities in Asheville. She makes us aware that besides the Asheville Symphony, Asheville Bravo Concerts and Asheville Lyric Opera, this town is resplendent with classical musicians and the folks who love to listen […]

How Haiti has suffered so long and so deeply

As is most often the case, America again turns her attention to the people of Haiti because of profoundly tragic events. The massive earthquake … has devastated an entire community. Complete families have been lost outright. The whole infrastructure of the Haitian government, ordinarily fragile, has been decimated. Once more Haiti, one of our closest […]

Americans fiddle while Haiti falls

When the global-warming hoax is finally exposed, there will lay the roots: acid rain, and all its illegitimate junk-science children. But the most recent announcement, that the glaciers in the Himalayas are really not melting away nearly as fast as reported earlier, should remind those of us who are still not completely politically correct that […]

Faultless frugal food

Ever since the dawn of junk food, countless school-age kids have had the mantra "You are what you eat" drilled into their heads. Yet many Americans still tend to dismiss this wisdom, turning instead to processed foods laden with preservatives and trans fats. Perhaps not surprisingly, heart disease and obesity are increasingly prevalent in our […]

Wellness trends for 2010

Mammograms to remain prime water-cooler topic The medical world has been abuzz in recent months about the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's surprising new mammography guidelines, which Time magazine ranked the No. 1 medical breakthrough of 2009. Updated this past November, they now recommend that women begin getting routine mammograms at age 50 rather than […]

Audience Participat­ion

By now, anyone who's been to a Monotonix show — or has at least heard the lore — is familiar with the scene that ensues when the band hits the stage. For the Tel Aviv trio, now on its umpteenth visit to the states since 2006, "hitting the stage" is a bit of a misnomer […]


Redefining notions of the singular artist The drawings and paintings that comprise Lisa Nance's solo show, Hanging Caverns and Plants, are the deconstructed forms, contours and characters for which Nance is known. Using thrift-store finds and re-salvaged materials, Nance challenges traditional forms of the painting by working over popular art reproductions or constructing frames out […]

No one is invulnerab­le

Tough economic times can make it harder to take care of your health. But there's one key step Buncombe County residents can take that costs nothing. Young adults, in particular, may think they can handle anything, but H1N1 flu (sometimes called "swine flu") can still bring them down in a serious way. nationwide, H1N1 has […]

Patsy Keever will put people first

Patsy Keever remembers your name. She listens and recalls details of your life. It's uncanny, and one of the first things that tells you that Patsy is in this for you, not for her. Maybe it's the decades of teaching public school or her three terms on the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. Maybe it's […]