So many miracles to celebrate

As far as we know, humans have always been big on miracles. Always big on believing that more is possible than what we were taught. More than what we have experienced. More than we logically assume. We humans have consistently wanted to believe that sometimes things happen that are outside the laws of nature. (Assuming, […]

The power — and the need — to be silent

On behalf of area witches and pagans, I warned Buncombe County commissioners that their practice of inviting primarily monotheistic male ministers to pray prior to meetings was exclusionary, unconstitutional and lawsuit-worthy. It was insensitive to the great diversity of beliefs Ashevilleans have: Buddhist, Jewish, Voudon, you name it. This practice was no oversight, but rather […]

Cyclists deserve protection­, not abuse

Two years ago I moved from the Ocala/Gainesville, Fla., area to Asheville so I could enjoy some of the best cycling and kayaking in the country. It was also to move away from some of the psychotic Florida drivers who enjoyed threatening and intimidating cyclists with their cars. Many Florida drivers drive within inches of […]

A response to preachy vegetarian­s

You know, for a time, I was contemplating a conversion to a vegetarian lifestyle — but I was worried that the consumption of an exclusively vegetarian diet might cause me to become smug and self-righteous. Here's a (smug and self-righteous?) suggestion for all you preachy vegetarians out there with your Googled statistical factoids: Why don't […]


In general, the stereotype of a painter is that of a solitary figure, probably dressed in black, cooped up in his studio and creating work in isolation. This typecast might explain why the act of live painting is so fascinating for audiences. The opportunity to see an artist working in the flesh is a chance […]

Finding equilibriu­m

I want drivers to know how to safely share the road with cyclists. Many of you don't, and my daughter enjoys having a dad. Although my demise will cure most of my many personality defects, I'm in no hurry. I enjoy riding my bicycle, no matter the terrain. It's fun; sometimes it's even relaxing. But […]

Stop using credit cards

It is truly sad to see how our politicians in our two-party nightmare turned their backs on millions of American consumers. Five months ago, Congress passed a law curbing credit-card companies and banks from imposing fees and interest rate hikes on consumers. To everyone's amazement, these institutions were given until February 2010 to make corrections. […]

Fear of a "weed eater" planet

Once again I find myself compelled to respond to an omnivore hater. Now we are responsible for global warming! I will admit that the U.S. is a leader in the production of greenhouse gases, however, the EPA released its annual greenhouse-gas survey and reports that all agriculture in the country accounts for only 6 percent […]


• Last week's Conscious Party feature had some incomplete and inaccurate information about upcoming Asheville FM fundraising events and celebrations. Here are the correct details: The station will host a holiday party at the Rocket Club the evening of Friday, Dec. 11; local DJs will play and tickets are $5. Then, on Saturday, Dec. 12, […]

As the dreidel turns

Dreidel: A Yiddish word meaning "turn around." Sevivon: the Hebrew word for the same. The dreidel itself is a four-sided top, with a Hebrew letter on each of the four sides: nun, gimmel, hey, shin for a dreidel spun in the diaspora; nun, gimmel, hey, pei for a sevivon spun in Israel. The letters stand […]

Junker’s Blues

For the last several months I've shared some of my adventures acquiring junk around the Asheville area, but I haven't really talked a whole lot about what I do with it. This is only natural – it's a whole lot more fun to hunt for junk than it is to sell it. Acquisition rocks. Dissemination […]