From felted figures to burlesque dancewear, it’s gonna be a party in West Asheville

Support local businesses, independent artists and crafters, and just plain have a good time this Saturday, Dec. 12, at the second annual East-West Asheville Holiday Art Walk — which teams up with the inaugural Shop West Asheville event, a day of sales and discounts that includes some 50 businesses and artists. Simone Wilson’s marionettes — […]

Reinterpre­ting mythology

The pale industrial walls of the Flood Gallery never looked better than they do backing Virginia Derryberry's Eide/Eidola, a collection of large paintings with a sun-bleached palette, a monumental style and a subject matter of idiosyncratically reinterpreted mythology. "Seven Deadly Sins," oil on canvas, 2009. The title derives from both Plato and Alchemy, the Idea […]

You’re not broken

Singer-songwriter Jack Herranen's music is an inspiring exploration of working-class struggles from Tennessee's southern Appalachia to Bolivia's Andes Mountains. A native of Knoxville, Herranen now lives and works with his wife (a Bolivian native), and their two children in Tortokawa, Bolivia, a rural farming village at the outskirts of Cochabamba. On Friday, Downtown Books and […]

Basnight and Nesbitt

The big news in North Carolina insider politics these days is the resignation of state Sen. Tony Rand — and his replacement as majority leader by Sen. Martin Nesbitt of Asheville. Political insiders in Raleigh are asking one another why Rand would trade one of the most powerful positions in state government to chair the […]

Outdoors: The perfect winter woods

In December, the woods can be dark and bare. Leaves are sparse and wildflowers long gone, but with the rain we've had this year, the all-season waterfalls in DuPont State Forest are flowing spectacularly. Lingering green at Lake Julia: Nestled in the Dupont State Forest, Lake Julia was once part of a corporate retreat. Now […]

Midwinter revels and holidays of light

"Go Christmas, go Hanukkah, go Kwanzaa, go Solstice!" So shout the brightly clad young models of a current TV commercial, as they leap about the screen like cheerleaders in their stripy sweaters and knitted gloves. Yet another seasonal advertisement by a multinational garment-selling conglomerate. But wait. What are the holidays mentioned in the ad again? […]


Emily Crabtree has splayed out her memories through visually abstract explorations of mark-making and paper-cutting for a contemplative exhibition called Fibers of Recollection. In its entirety, the show demonstrates Crabtree's varied skills: drawing, painting and mixed media sculpture. Creating the pieces over a period of months, allowed Crabtree to let the work evolve itself, rather […]

Junkers Blues

It's Fall, a transitional time for the junker. As the salad days of yard sales, warm flea market mornings and spring cleanouts lead into the hoarding, barren days of winter, the junker can go through weeks at a time without a decent "score," which leads to withdrawal, the jitters, anxiety. Which is just my schmaltzy […]

How the election saved Asheville

Within basic political reality, I couldn't be happier with the local election results and feel that if predictions hold up, Asheville/Buncombe has real cause to celebrate, for once, the wisdom of our voters. I actually erred in my endorsements of Bothwell and Smith, when shortly after I wrote, Manheimer showed up to Blue Ridge Pride […]

Act now to oppose the proposed H-bomb factory in Oak Ridge

Overcoming rain and interstate blockages, two teenagers' testimony supplemented that of 10 from WNC at the Department of Energy's Nov. 17 hearing in Oak Ridge, Tenn. The 12 opposed our government's proposed new $3.5 billion H-bomb factory. Despite Obama's avowal to phase out nuclear weapons, our militarists endorse a sustained global arms race for another […]