A city of book arts

To Margaret Couch Cogswell's recollection, she was a slow reader as a child. The physicality of the book and the pictures inside often captured her fancy more than the words. Perhaps it was this fascination that led her into the realm of the book arts — a burgeoning art form that highlights the intimate and […]

Sound Track

Fusion is key in Asheville – in food, fashion and music – and Shod My Feet has harnessed a unique blend of eclectic influences. While creating a sound all its own, this trio (Emily Keebler on vocals, keyboard, guitar; Sherman Hoover on bass, synthesizer, vocals; and Andrew Ross on drums and vocals) draws from myriad […]

Krautrock? Nein!

Ever since a British music journalist cheekily coined the term "Krautrock" in the early '70s to reference a burgeoning cluster of exciting German rock bands, groups such as Can, Neu and Kraftwerk have had an ambivalent relationship with the word. While they benefitted from the attention that comes with any new pop-music phenomenon, they also […]

Gospel untruths

Editor's note: On September 9, Xpress published "Traffic Calming: The Gospel According to Jerry." In it Jerry Sternberg decries the city's "inept, ineffective and dangerous attempt at traffic calming in north Asheville, on Charlotte Street and on Macon and Kimberly avenues." Here, Grove Park resident Glenda Burgin issues a point-by-point rebuttal. Jerry's "gospel":  Jerry has […]

Why some Montford residents oppose their neighborhood’s position on the I-26 Connector

Not all of Montford shares the "no acceptable alternatives" that the Montford Neighborhood Association has adopted in regard to choosing among the alternate routes of the I-26 Connector. Many Montford residents who have followed the I-26 Connector saga through the last decade are distressed that Alternate 4B, designed by the Asheville community and adopted by […]

Vote for Council candidates who’ll work in your interest, not those of developmen­t/real estate

Let me see if I have this right. City Council recently accepted nearly a half-million dollars in federal-grant money to remedy flooding and watershed problems on Dingle Creek. Those problems were caused by development along the stream and its tributaries. Does this mean that our tax money is being used to remedy problems caused by […]

Traffic-calming measures aren’t perfect, but they meet an important need

I am sympathetic to some of the concerns expressed by the irate letters bewailing the traffic barriers erected on Kimberly Avenue. Perhaps the design could have been better thought out, or maybe the curbs are not visible enough. However, these complaints, paradoxically, are an unintended argument for the traffic islands. Just substitute pedestrian or bicyclist […]

Why Cape gets our write-in votes

I have worked with Robin Cape and am excited that she wants to continue as Councilwoman. She has a unique ability to listen well in order to respond creatively and thoughtfully to constituent concerns. With her understanding of the issues, she is working to find common ground for achieving a sustainable future for Asheville. Write […]

Pharmaceutical-lobby letter sings Shuler’s praises — but it’s a sleazy song

Congressman Shuler likes to pretend that his rigid stand against health-care reform is a matter of principle, but a recent campaign mailing suggests otherwise. In a postcard sent to his constituents last week, Shuler is quoted bragging about his struggle against fundamental reform but also vowing to keep Medicare costs low for seniors. What he […]

Out-of-control national debt? Don’t look at Obama and Pelosi

Here in WNC, we have been hearing much from local Republicans, conservatives and the always-charming Carolina Stompers warning us that the USA is on the road to fiscal disaster. Our conservative Democratic congressman, Heath Shuler, voted against the economic stimulus and will likely vote against health-care reform because of budgetary concerns. Most conservatives blame Barack […]

Keeping the Sabbath holy

In a feat of rare alchemy – one often repeated throughout the band's career – Black Sabbath turned four measures and a mere six notes into one of the most recognizable phrases in rock music: the main riff of "Iron Man," from 1971's Paranoid. Hard rock, soulful swagger: Friday night headliners Clutch follow the riff […]

Junker’s Blues

One of the many ideas in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? that you won't find in its movie adaptation, Blade Runner, is the concept, the spiritual warning, the call-to-arms against the relentless, creeping presence of kipple in our lives. Illustration by Nathanael Roney. According to Dick, kipple is "useless objects" — […]