Wrong foot forward

The city of Asheville recently sponsored a seminar titled "Understanding Lawful Employment," featuring a panel of speakers who included local business consultants and federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security. The city's friendly Economic Development Office staffers welcomed the roughly 70 participants, mostly human-resource professionals. The Homeland Security presentation, however, was misleading and inaccurate. […]

Public option needed for at-risk and preexistin­g health conditions

In the past two years, I have been designated as an automatic "turn down" — not eligible for an individual health-insurance policy, after my husband's employment ended and COBRA coverage finished. Private insurance company, after private insurance company, turned me down with my diagnosis of intestinal problems, despite the fact that two years later the […]

Put nonprofits in the health-care fix

I'm for major health-insurance reform but have mixed feelings toward the "public option." I think it's a slippery slope toward killing competition and private insurance companies — which would leave the government plan as the only option. I say this because government decides on legislation and collects our tax dollars — and there just isn't […]

Freedom before incorporat­ion

First, I would like to thank John Kelleher for this letter, "Not Buying the Swannanoa Plan," in the Aug. 12 Xpress, which starts out, "So let me get this straight." He did indeed get it straight. I hope that the people of Swannanoa Valley will read and re-read that letter until they know exactly what […]

Success with Xpress

I often place rental ads in your paper and have great results. It's a pleasure dealing with your Advertising Department. Special thanks to classified representative Tim Navaille; he is always so helpful and professional. Mountain Xpress is the best! — Susan Hise Asheville

Four Seasons

A volunteer with patient The prestigious Circle of Life Award was recently presented to Four Seasons of Hendersonville by the American Hospital Association. Received by only three organizations nationwide, the award recognizes quality end-of-life care providers who extend the reach of hospice and palliative care in their areas. Chris Comeaux, president/CEO of Four Seasons, says, […]

Working overtime

Asheville city employees raked in $1.8 million in overtime pay last year, with some earning more than 50 percent of their base pay. One Asheville Police Department sergeant made $34,191 by working extra hours. On the clock: The city spent $1.8 million in taxpayers' money on overtime for the 2008-09 fiscal year, according to city […]


If it's true that Asheville is the Paris of the South, then Marshall is more akin to a small town in the South of France, with its picturesque landscape, close-knit community,and laid-back quality of living. Over the past few years, the small historic river town of barely 900 occupants has quietly grown into a thriving […]

Show the love for Bent Creek trails

Jonathan Poston's Aug. 12 article in the Xpress Outdoors section, "All Wet" — the story of a barely evaded rainstorm at Bent Creek — was a familiar account to many mountain bikers. We've all got "caught out" stories that are funny only in retrospect; mine involves hail! Riding wet trails, however, has more serious effects […]