The gift of Xpress

I enjoy your paper each week, and when I am out of this area, I find I miss it. For some background on me, well, I am almost 50, an ex-military officer, fairly conservative, and have lived here on and off since I was a kid in 1973. I love it here in Candler — […]

Thanks for listening

We in Western North Carolina should be grateful that we have a representative in Congress who's a good listener. This is not a skill that's easy to come by. Good listening is a gift, often born of a family and spiritual life in which it was valued by significant people during one's early years. I […]

Talking bout my degenerati­on

After witnessing The Jesus Lizard with Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and Southern Culture on the Skids on Thanksgiving in 1993, Milton Carter came home that night and started punk band The Mathmatics (misspelling intentional). He enlisted his skateboard buddy Dougal Bailey on drums and guitarist David Cooper (replaced by Tom Cook a year later). Their […]

Sound Track

I have an aversion to hype. But Xpress-proclaimed "local rock hotties" Cobra Horse ― recipients of a significant acclaim in their short history ― can back that hype with ridiculous rock-and-roll. Cobra Horse kick out the jams at a recent Emerald Lounge show. Photo by Lydia See. During their most recent engagement at the Emerald […]

Loving Asheville

Oh, Asheville. I love you, Asheville. You are my neighbors and my family. I dance these streets with you, I stand in defiance and celebration with you, I drink to your health, and I care for your well-being. I am from here, and I have never felt more a part of a real community than […]

The Dirt: Pesky lessons

I stand cross-armed, staring at my hollyhocks. It's July. They should be blooming gloriously, but they're not. Why? Garden pests — or, more precisely, weevils, which I thought preferred roots, not leaves. Still, a pest is a pest, no matter what part of the plant it attacks, and this tiny, barely discernible insect has turned […]

Choice of wine word left a bad aftertaste

I read with interest the review of Santé written by David Forbes in the July 8 Xpress. The article certainly whetted my appetite to experience this apparently lovely little wine bar. Although it was well-written and offered an enthusiastic endorsement of Santé, I must say that the use of the term "aftertaste" when referring to […]

Conscience will protect the Basilica

I am writing this in the belief that our municipal government has already received a fiduciary and moral wake-up call in the shadow of the Pack Square debacle. Does Asheville government want to repeat the desecration of our treasured architectural, cultural and historic legacy — which was the dreadful permanent fate of Thomas Wolfe's home […]

A moratorium on uglificati­on, now!

Will someone please stop City Council and their puppet-masters from allowing such horrendously ugly buildings to be built? The iconic tourist expression for our town is Biltmore — as in "built-more," not "build-more." After the ugly butterfly-roof structure on South Lexington, the clunky replacement of the elegant Penny's building on Battery Park Avenue and the […]

Mary Benson House

Kate and Covey Mary Benson House is a therapeutic home for pregnant and postpartum women recovering from drug and alcohol problems and their children. Since its inception almost 15 years ago, the Mary Benson House has provided safe harbor to hundreds of women and has played an integral role in the healthy births of their […]

"I have learned nothing"

"Oh my god, the guy across the street needs to put some f**in' clothes on!" Todd Snider is sitting by the front window of his house in East Nashville, Tenn., enjoying a break from touring behind his latest album, The Excitement Plan. Apparently his neighbor has decided to step outside sans shirt and pants. This […]

Junker’s Blues

For those of you who've been enjoying this column over the last couple of months, it's time to let you know that you need to take the whole thing with a large grain of salt. Illustration by Nathanael Roney Because I'm a junker, and all the junkers I've ever met are liars. Well … "liar" […]