The wrong plan for North Mills River

Pisgah National Forest is missing a golden opportunity and charting the wrong course with its proposal for the Brushy Ridge Project, an operation that sets the direction for management of the North Mills River area over the next decade. The river is well-loved and heavily used by local residents and tourists. Being one of the […]

New hotel not needed

We absolutely do not need another hotel in Asheville (they're building one at the end of South French Broad). Has anyone looked into the yellow pages of our phone book lately? Robert McGahey had it right [in his June 10 Xpress commentary, “Just Remnants”]: “We and the land are victims of overdevelopment, especially around Asheville.” […]

Tethering solutions not simple

I am responding to two letters in the June 17 Xpress about "tethering" dogs. Cynthia Etheridge "couldn't be more disgusted with Council members," and Troy Amastar complains about labeling "animal-rights activists as extremists.” For the record, I live in Asheville, voted for Obama, drive a hybrid, shop at the Co-op and don't eat meat. I […]

Going for Gordon

I have been involved with Asheville politics off and on for over nine years. I met Gordon Smith last year and from the onset was quite impressed with his thirst for knowledge for local issues. He stays informed on what is going on in our community and truly cares about people. I was thrilled when […]

Eating or health care?

Here in Asheville, we have an incredible wealth of traditional healers, yet because of health-care constraints most of us cannot even afford to have what should be seen as “well-being care.” Insurance will not cover anything outside the box. And that affects all of us. We can't get health care nationally because it has been […]


It’s hard to be on the streets of Asheville for more than a few minutes without seeing a “local food” bumper sticker. But how, exactly, does one define “local food”? A recent Xpress article noted that the Asheville Tourists now sell hot dogs made from animals raised in Buncombe County and sent to Pennsylvania for […]

Askville: Making things look effortless

Preston Marks likes to roll. That's his word for getting down on the mats and sparring in jujitsu, an ancient Japanese martial art. But despite the 14-stitch gash on his forehead (from an accidental head butt during practice), don't imagine he's some hulk: Marks is all of 5 foot 6 and about 150 pounds. Polite, […]


Cloaked characters, burning branches, mystical symbols and desolate landscapes comprise the evocative paintings of Asheville artist Chris Sedgwick, on display this month at Gallery Minerva on Biltmore Ave. Linking themes of spirituality and science, what is most remarkable about Sedgwick's paintings is the indecipherable era they inhabit. While the characters perform what appear to be […]


In our June 10 issue, Robert McGahey's commentary, “Just Remnants,” identified Tom Peterson of the National Climatic Data Center as a Nobel laureate. The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was actually awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of which Peterson is a member.

For whom the cell tolls

It was last Halloween when I first knew something was wrong. I was at my friend's house, talking with her 7-year-old daughter, who was dressed as Superman (she didn't dig Wonder Woman's "invisible plane"). Me: "So, when you come out of the phone booth, who are you going to be? Claire Kent?” Her: “What's a […]

Start from within to build your utopia

Christopher Webb, your commentary [“A Stranger in Paradise,” June 10 Xpress] is brilliant. And, I appreciate your ability to believe that idealistic realities still exist — especially after having returned from an unarguably hellish circumstance. I, too, have held on to this belief that a utopian idea lives and breathes here in this region of […]

The de-greening of Asheville

Have you noticed all the concrete being poured in and around Asheville? It's got to be enough to build a couple of small Third World cities. For starters, the amount spent on the architectural monument to bad taste that will soon replace all the green space that once graced City/County Plaza would surely have been […]