Most requested? Dictionari­es

A “thank you” for sending me the book Reason of Hope by Jane Goodall. I am enjoying reading it. But I am equally if not more so impressed and appreciate your book offering to me, a prisoner. Our universe would be a much better place if more people displayed acts of reaching out with kindness. […]

Memo to the yard-salers of Asheville

Yard Sale season is in full swing. We are flush with bright days and good weather. Time to clean out your house and hopefully offset a utility bill or two during these hard times. We at the Junker’s Union, as always, are here to help.  Keep the signs simple: The junkers are driving by at […]

Put Council in chains?

I couldn't be more disgusted with Council members and their endless so-called concerns about allowing the continued chaining of dogs. I moved here from Atlanta for many reasons, one being the endless amount of suffering by neglected dogs on chains that I was forced to watch in my neighborhood. Some Council members have the gall […]

Honor the local vibe

I want to vent about the Beastie Boys concert at the Orange Peel. Tickets went on sale online and sold out fast. The server wasn't prepared for the traffic. I have yet to talk to an Ashevillean who was even able to open the page. The Web site claims people just need to be more […]

Outdoors: Mike Sule’s mission

A mere 0.4 percent of Americans get to work by bike, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The rate may be greater in Asheville, where there’s strong interest in sustainable urban development and a wealth of recreational-cycling opportunities. But try bicycling to the office, to school, to the movies, the grocery store or other in-town […]

People should be trainable

The June 3 Molton cartoon dismayed me because it helps to feed a skewed image of animal-rights activists as extremists who would yell at a person walking their dog on a leash and [accuse them of being] someone who tortured and killed dogs. Perhaps Molton would like to be chained up. So funny! The chain […]

Taking the community out of radio

I'm a longtime volunteer at WPVM and former host of the freeform music show "Tuesday Night with the Lark." WPVM as we know it no longer exists. Things have been in disarray for almost a whole year now as the volunteers have tried to hold the station together without a station manager. The former station […]

Two views, one Basilica

Please allow me to translate the recent letter from Peggy Seeger of Boston, who ranted about the proposed new hotel across from the Civic Center ["Lovely, Lucky, Poor Asheville," Letters, June 3]. "People from all over the world come to visit Asheville." Translation: I support sprawl. Who needs density? Let the visitors from all over […]

Nix the high-rise

Please — it is urgent that we repeal any permits allowing a high-rise building to block the beautiful St. Lawrence Basilica from the downtown view. I am very adamant about this. —  Deborah Papich Boeswillwald

Asheville addictions

Everyone in Asheville has a favorite reason for staying here, as well as a favorite addiction. Is it biking at Bent Creek? Sunday mornings at Jubilee? Protesting in Pack Square? Sunday brunch at Sunny Point? Dressing up in costume for a City Council meeting? Izzy's coffee? Crashing art-gallery openings? Whatever your chosen delight, I urge […]

Take five

Take five minutes to make a difference. Contact Congressman Heath Shuler at (828) 252-1651 or e-mail him via his Web site ( to urge him to support a government-run insurance plan. This does not mean people won't have a choice, but a public plan will be a safety net for those with pre-existing conditions or […]

A stranger in paradise

I moved to Asheville late in 2007, and I stand by my decision. I can’t say it turned out exactly the way I thought it would, but living here has taught me many lessons about myself and about society in general, which is really what I’d hoped for. Admittedly this hasn’t come about in quite […]


Joti Marra is a Jacqueline of all trades, and a master of all of them, but she wouldn't be the one to tell you that. A classic introvert, Marra is supremely humble regarding the music she creates, and it's been years since she's graced a stage in Asheville. After spending time in New York pursuing […]

Enter the Phil Mechanic

The work in progress at Phil Mechanic Studios goes beyond the myriad projects in process at any given moment. Clay is thrown, paints mixed, glass blown, metal pounded, fabric stitched. Drawings by Nathanael Roney Photos by Jonathan Welch The building itself has progressed from a warehouse to a construction company to its current incarnation: an […]

URTV a vital resource

I have followed with interest your coverage of the URTV “controversy.” You raise important questions of conduct, accountability and transparency. I must say, though, one could easily get the mistaken impression, from what I have read in the Xpress, that URTV is a highly flawed, dysfunctional operation that’s staining our community. As a fairly new […]

Drenched in pink

June means blooming rhododendrons, and one of the best places to see them has reopened after a yearlong wait: the Blue Ridge Parkway from Bull Gap (milepost 355) to Mount Mitchell State Park (milepost 375). I first visited this area 10 years ago, but in March 2008, the beloved section was closed after the steep […]

Outdoors: From roofs to walkways

Like everything else in life, gardens can be trendy, and when it comes to that, I’m as weak as the next person. Sedums are this year’s garden darlings, toppling over one another in container-pot arrangements everywhere I go. Some of these artful pots sell for $100 or more. I almost bought a particularly amazing potted […]