Diversity: the healthy alternativ­e

I am a consistent listener of WPVM (at home, in car, at my studio) and have been so since it came on air. This exceptional station has greatly added to my quality of life—it’s creative, authentic, real, intelligent. It’s magnificent! Nowadays, media is [mostly] geared to make a profit and appeal to the lowest common […]

Mountain Xpress changing?

Mountain Xpress got it wrong with David Forbes’ flagging piece on the so-called internal disputes at URTV [“Whose TV?” Feb. 25]. For starters, the title on the cover—“Changing Channel?”—is a convoluted double-entendre that ultimately does not work. Is Forbes suggesting that the channel is changing its philosophy midstream because it is not doing more to […]

Time for new ideas

I thank David Forbes for his article regarding the current uproar at URTV [“Whose TV?” Feb. 25]. I and my wife, Valeria, have been URTV producers since before URTV even opened. To date we have submitted well over 40 original documentaries. Our productions focus on cross-cultural awareness. From my perspective, the current issues with the […]

Proposed guidelines honor the public realm

I hope architect John Rogers was misquoted in Mountain X regarding his concern about regulations proposed in the new Downtown Master Plan: “If you follow the letter of the plan, you’re never going to get a building anybody likes” (emphasis mine) [“Try This on for Size,” Feb. 11]. While he may be speaking as an […]

How about some real change?

The Obama administration has decided to stay the course of increasing the federal debt by yet another $787 billion in passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which merely perpetuates and compounds our economic crisis. There is apparently little to no difference between the lack of economic leadership of the Bush and Obama […]

The Hendersonv­ille chapter of Business & Profession­al Women

BPW Hendersonville officers. Standing (L-R): Tonya Holbert, treasurer; Jennifer Duran, vice president; Leanne Schuller, secretary. Seated: Kacey Case Smith, president. The Hendersonville chapter of Business & Professional Women is a group of women who are dedicated to achieving equity for women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. BPW is a nonpartisan organization seeking […]

Bad girls set the world into play

After returning last year from a creative stint in Brooklyn, local singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist Jon Reid—aka Jar-e—has been hard at work, writing and recording a new album, lending support to Angi West on her new release and, most recently, opening for Toubab Krewe at a spate of shows north and south of the Mason-Dixon line. The […]

The Practical Fly

The biggest trout I’ve ever caught on a fly rod was snared with an outfit that cost me $20 at the local pawnshop. It’s a 7-foot rod with a cheap reel, and it came with a weight-forward line—all of which probably didn’t cost more than $60 when it was new. The rod is so cheap […]

Milk of human kindness

In response to the recently publicized, local Denny’s incident, some have expressed the opinion that this situation is not newsworthy. Certainly there are more pressing and dire social problems, but to suggest that we merely ignore this contention over the right to breastfeed in public is to dismiss the concerns of women and children as […]

Getting to the MAIN point

Back in October of last year, I wrote a commentary to Mountain X that was intended to help smooth over the controversy that had erupted at WPVM and put us back on track to a reinvigorated community radio station [“Media as if People Mattered,” Oct. 1]. I did this under direct encouragement by MAIN’s board […]

I love community radio

I’ve been volunteering with WPVM for the past four years, producing and hosting a freeform music program and assisting fellow volunteers with behind-the-scenes work as well. I’ve dedicated well over 1,000 volunteer hours—joyfully—because I’m proud of what WPVM is and excited about its potential. I love diverse music programming, alternative news sources and hearing local […]

Things change

I thought the universal disregard afforded the Hayes & Hopson Building downtown was the final straw, the tipping point. But it was the Rockola that really did me in. Back in the 1970s, the concrete-block planter in front of the Rockola Motel was filled with clumps of creeping phlox. We would drive past the spring […]

Spreading the wealth?

Our government seems determined to subsidize large corporations and government offices. The price tag is enormous, but how will this bailout benefit the taxpayers who are ultimately footing the bill? It won’t. I have a solution that will make taxpayers happy and bounce the economy back in a matter of days. Instead of spending billions […]


Angi West is a musician with such purity, both personally and professionally, that it is evident in her recordings and her live show, harnessed with the ease of sharing a glass of tea with a friend. She finds a rapport with her audiences where an infinite exchange is possible, feeds off her viewers as much […]

Long live our finest

Connie Bostic’s commentary [“Drifting Toward Diabetic Coma,” Feb. 4] on the art scene in Asheville is very encouraging. I’ve been passing those ho-hum galleries for the unsophisticated art client by, allowing that the people who frequent them contribute significantly to the local economy. However, Connie’s article awakens a latent desire to ratchet art awareness up […]