Eyeing the edible art

Okay, Connie—you got my attention [“Drifting Toward Diabetic Coma,” Feb. 4]. Why rehash something that Robert Godfrey prophesized in 1987? Did you think that a craft town like Asheville would ever be anything else? Oh, Grande Dame of the Asheville Art Scene, may I remind you that circa 1997, a space was opened to showcase […]

Come back, MX

On behalf of thousands of customers of Plum Natural Market in Forest City and Barley’s in Spindale, we are disappointed at your recent decision to quit delivering your paper to these businesses for pickup. Believe it or not, Rutherford County is considered a mountain county full of progressive-minded, environmentally friendly and healthy-lifestyle people who look […]

Going tow-to-tow again

One recent night, a friend of mine parked in a tow-away zone [and the car was towed]. My live/work space is in the middle of downtown, and the purpose of this letter is not to complain about the act of being towed. In my neighborhood, it is an hourly occurrence and it is absolutely necessary. […]

The uglificati­on of Kimberly

Kimberly used to be one of the most beautiful streets in Asheville—wide, with a clean, flowing venue offering prominent glimpses of orange foliage as the deciduous trees turned each fall. Quite in contrast to the disturbing shout of brightly striped warning signs and an obstacle course of over a dozen traffic islands with prominent, high […]

Shuler’s not helping WNC

Congressman Heath Shuler’s charges on Feb. 9 in Raleigh that the “House leadership and Senate leadership have really failed” in creating bipartisan support for an economic recovery bill did not help District 11 in what will prove to be a competitive race to get economic support from the bill for our part of Western North […]

Searching for Junie

Despite having worked in the veterinary profession for over 15 years, I was surprised by some of the things I learned while trying to recover my lost dog Junebug recently. Returning from work to find 11-year-old Junie missing, I immediately walked the fenced perimeter calling and searching for her, thinking she might be in a […]

Bipartisan­ship goes two ways

Funny how Republicans never talked about bipartisanship when they were in control of Congress, or when they spent all of the monies that the Clinton administration left in the coffers when Bush’s administration took over. Bipartisanship goes two ways, and the Republicans are back at their old games. — Lloyd Kay Asheville

Obama, Israel and truth

In his first news conference, President Obama performed impressively. Standing for nearly an hour, he answered questions from the press. Only that morning, he had made a speech in Elkhart. My guess would be he’d really need a cigarette after that. He responded forthrightly to all the inquiries with amazing accuracy. I later wondered if […]

Art from the heart

The Madison County town of Marshall holds sentimental value to Eric Legge. Zuma Coffee shop downtown was the last place Eric and his father, folk-art sculptor Joe Legge, shared a cup of coffee before the elder Legge died in January. Eric and Joe were close, spending a decade working together in Dillard, Ga., before Eric […]

A curious blend of Bacharach, countrypol­itan and just enough rock

Valentine’s Day—the Hallmark holiday best known for chocolates, roses and trying to make “I love you” not sound like canned applause. One go-to tradition is the personalized mix-disc, songs culled specifically for you and yours because of their various PG-, R- and X-rated associations. And any worthwhile mix should probably include Lambchop, which plays the […]

An avian valentine

I was a young yuppie with my first house, two young children and a third on the way. Of course, in the early ‘60s, no one used the word “yuppie.” But that’s what I was I believed in dressing well, acquiring all the material possessions I could and climbing the social ladder. Years later, the […]

Should local government bail out Biltmore Square Mall?

The headline in the front section of the Asheville Citizen-Times on Jan. 11, “Buncombe County Officials Seeking New Offices,” should raise concerns with every citizen/taxpayer of Buncombe County. Please consider the following: 1. The current owners of Biltmore Square Mall paid around $20 million three years ago and are now asking $37 million (a 76-percent […]

The missing faces of evangelica­ls

Evangelicalism, as Scott Lessing stated, is “truly a wide and disparate movement made up of people from varied and diverse backgrounds.” But I wish his photo essay, “The Many Faces of Evangelicals” [Jan. 28 Xpress] reflected that a bit better. The two-page spread gave us stock imagery of white, clean-cut, contempo-Baptist, sloganized, mall-church Christianity. The […]

Not in my alt weekly

My eyes! My eyes! I read publications like yours to escape the Jesus nuts, so imagine my disappointment when I saw your recent cover! Ugh! Don’t these individuals have enough forums to spread their ridiculous message? What’s next? An article claiming that Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen? Come on, Mountain Xpress! — Jennifer […]

Phishing for answers

Despite the severe weather, local Phish fans started lining up outside of the Civic Center on Wednesday afternoon [Jan. 28]. I arrived that evening, just after midnight, after getting a phone call that people were already in line. Those who arrived earliest had already called the Asheville Police Department to find out what rules needed […]

Granny knows best

I hope that we don’t let this URTV controversy blow it for the only public-communication outlet around. This is metaphorically a tempest in a teapot. There was some language that needed to be changed in the description of board behavior. The commissioners expressed concern, as they should; and I’m sure the board of URTV will […]