Car vandals disturb The Forest

The unfortunate thieving continues at The Forest at Biltmore Park apartments in Arden. In mid-June, my car was vandalized—along with [those of] other residents’ at The Forest—and personal belongings were stolen out of the cars. On July 22, the thieves once again broke into cars by apartment buildings 7 and 8. This crime is not […]

The Asheville Mushroom Club

The Asheville Mushroom Club formed after a WNC Nature Center mushroom-identification class in l983. Originally, the club had only four members; now it numbers 150. As the membership has grown, the club has consistently pursued the objectives of providing fellowship with others who share an interest in fungi, while providing opportunities for education and access […]

His and hers

M. Ward is a guy who has it all. He has a devoted legion of fans hanging onto every raspy-voiced note he sings and finger-picked rhythm he plays on guitar, the acclaim of a surprising number of taste-making critics and a Midas-like ability to make lively albums in genres (indie-folk singer/songwriter land) that have seemingly […]

Different strokes

There are inevitabilities in this world: the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, Madonna reinventing herself and the Xpress coming out every week. Another sure thing is that when the Immediate Theatre Project announces that they are putting on a new show, it’s worth paying attention. The best of times, the […]

The Dirt: Growing old in the garden

With their deeply furrowed bark, sturdy trunks and wide-spreading branches, ancient trees are more revered today than ever. But be careful when choosing a tree for your yard. Trees are like parrots: They’ll entertain or aggravate you for a lifetime. And in all probability, they’ll outlive you, so take the time to choose well. It’s […]

Outdoors: I know where I’m going: Wanna come?

Cruising down the Baxter Creek Trail, Becky Smucker stops to shush us. “Listen,” she says, “That’s a black-throated green warbler.” Twelve gabbing, stomping hikers have stopped on a dime, and there’s silence except for the warbler’s zee-zee-zoo. If I’d been hiking by myself, I would never have heard this bird—let alone identified it. Help along […]

Males, war and PTSD

Our VOINCAs the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan grind on, another threat is growing here at home. And though it’s invisible, it has the same potential to spawn abuse, maiming and death. This threat targets the families and loved ones of untreated or poorly treated soldiers suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder and other emotional conditions […]


Four children, 10 years and the same three chords Asheville, meet The Humbuckers (again). While they may not look like champions of a movement, they might be Asheville’s best example of a band getting better with age. Rudy Humbucker Formed more than a decade ago, the Humbuckers rose and burned out quickly in the Asheville […]

Water: wishes and wallets

When the mercury hit 90 in June, my green tin roof popped and pinged. The sound sent me reaching for a glass of ice-cold tea, though if I were more Southern belle and less teetotaler, I might have called for a fan and a mint julep. If I were more hip, I’d demand a mojito, […]

Letter from the editors

Dear readers: Mountain Xpress Contributing Editor Rebecca Bowe covers “The Green Scene”—and much more—for our newspaper. Her reporting on environmental matters has become a mainstay of Xpress’ local journalism—and two prestigious groups have taken note of her work. At a July 19 ceremony in Atlanta, the Society of Professional Journalists issued its annual Green Eyeshade […]

Health employees deserve health insurance

As an employee of one of Mission Hospitals’ two Emergency Departments for over three-and-a-half years now, I’d have to say that I greatly value my position and have tremendous esteem for my co-workers. It’s a wondrous thing when you can help aid a wound, comfort a distressed family member, or help save a life. It’s […]

Rosner deserves more respect

Some 23 readers have responded (as of my writing) to your article “Brain Man” [Xpress, July 16]—all in favor of Dr. Rosner, I might add. This article did not portray Dr. Rosner with the respect he deserves. Here is one neurosurgeon who has challenged not only his own thinking and education in the neurosciences, but […]

Fishing for nonviolenc­e

I commend Casting for Recovery for offering support to breast-cancer survivors. I’m certain there is great benefit in spending time surrounded by others who understand this devastating illness. I also have no doubt that doing so in a natural setting compounds the healing process. But why not partake in nonviolent bonding activities like hiking and […]

What if they don’t come?

After reading about the two proposed new high-rise buildings downtown [“Haywood Park Project Clears First Hurdle,” Xpress, July 9], I am left wondering why so much building is going on in downtown Asheville. The rate of expansion in the Asheville area is being grossly overdone. The “build it and they will come” approach is just […]

The bite of the Black Dog

Where’s the owner of Black Dog Realty? An important issue is at stake—people trespassing on exclusive downtown property slated for development! Although owned by everyone in the community at one point, hard times of trouble have led everyday citizens to rally against the owner on his own land! I spoke with one of them and […]

Discoverin­g the need for family-friendly spaces

I have found that breastfeeding changes a person’s perspective of public places. How many breastfeeding moms have had the frustrating experience of searching for a quiet, peaceful place to feed a frantic baby—not necessarily for personal privacy, but because babies more than a few months old tend to be distracted by everything and will not […]

Farewell, wetlands

I recently had the misfortune of sitting through a village of Flat Rock Board of Adjustments meeting where it was decided that the developer could build houses in a beautiful wetlands area. I am certain the village would disagree that this was the decision they were voting on, but nevertheless this will be the outcome. […]