Thoughtful dialogue?

To say I was appalled to read Nina Smith’s disturbing letter [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14] would be an understatement. I am deeply disappointed in the Xpress for printing something so blatantly juvenile and lacking any real substance. It was nothing more than an absurd threat to abused animals and a childish attempt to ridicule […]

Democracy deserves an early start

We applaud the Mountain Xpress for delving into important issues like where to find the best chicken wings and democratic schools in Asheville. Buncombe County Early College [Commentary: “Education and Democracy,” Jan. 31; “Democracy in Action,” Feb. 7] deserves to be commended for striving to implement democratic structures that include students as a central part […]

Diet affects global warming

Very recently, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with hundreds of scientists from 113 countries, determined conclusively that man-made greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. They predicted devastating droughts and hurricanes, and extensive flooding of coastal areas, displacing millions. A report released by the United Nations in November blamed animal agriculture for 18 percent […]

The prices we pay

The setting was a familiar one to me as a vegetarian. I’m with a group of friends and work buddies eating dinner out on the town in Asheville, and the subject of my meatless plate comes up. “How can you live without meat?” is followed by “I would die if I couldn’t eat steak,” and […]

And what if we were all black?

Recently you printed a reply [“Color My World,” Feb. 14] to being colorblind and not needing denotation of colors, especially when it deals with sports [“Tired of the Color Code,” Jan. 31]. We have not even begun to deal with the inherent institutionalized racism of this country. It seems an economic boon to foster and […]

Review no place for derring-do

I am writing concerning the article published on Carmel’s Restaurant and Bar [“The Straight Dish,” Feb. 7]. As one of the owner’s of Anntony’s Caribbean Café, I must say that reviews are an important part of showcasing a business. Your writer, Hanna Rachel Raskin, did a poor job reviewing even her thoughts of the new […]

Carmel’s critique off the mark

I enjoy your publication and look forward to it each week. I rarely respond to any of the published material I receive, but the review of Carmel’s by Hanna Rachel Raskin [“The Straight Dish,” Feb. 7] demanded a response. I seriously question her ability as a restaurant reporter or food critic. I fail to see […]

About that burger

Nina Smith says she will eat a McDonald’s burger if I write another pro-vegetarian letter to the editor [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14]). So be it; I can’t make her a compassionate person. Judging by the maturity of her statements, I’m guessing she’s probably too young to drive. Hopefully, her parents will take her for […]

Studying the fat budget

As a professor of nutrition, I read with wonder Nina Smith’s promised strategy [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14] for retaliating against the Mountain Xpress for printing letters from compassionate correspondents, Stewart and Terri David. Does she not realize that by making the choice to “purchase a double Quarter Pounder with cheese,” she only promotes an […]

Choose compassion

In a recent letter to the editor [“Fries With That?”, Feb. 14], Nina Smith vehemently proclaimed that her decision to purchase or not purchase animal products will be solely determined by whether or not the Mountain Xpress chooses to print letters from Terri and Stewart David. Even after careful consideration of this letter, I still […]

Thanks for the welcome

I wanted to thank you for publishing such a nice article about See No Evil Films in December [Buzzworm, “Rolling Into Town: See No Evil Films,” Dec. 13]. Having opened our offices in Asheville recently, it was such an incredible joy to feel so welcomed in the community. Your reporter, Brian Postelle, did an excellent […]

Nonbinding vote won’t restore democracy

A nonbinding, antiwar, anti-Iraq-surge resolution is despicable and meaningless! Are the Democrats under the assumption that they were elected to simply assist the current administration in its crimes? What’s next, a nonbinding impeachment complete with pay raise and tenure? Didn’t America vote for a change last November? How quickly the newly elected succumb to the […]

Traveler’s mind

Circuit-riding is a venerable tradition here in the Blue Ridge. A plaque on Beaverdam Road in north Asheville commemorates the peregrinations of Bishop Francis Asbury, a Methodist preacher who traveled the region on horseback in the early 19th century, bringing inspiration to the scattered settlements and finding his own inspiration in these magnificent mountains. As […]

Differentl­y Abled News Network, Inc.

Executive Director Kathryn ‘Kaytlin’ Stead reconnecting with two dear friends, Shirley Owenby (left) and Melinda Davis (right). Remembering their years together, Kaytlin told her friends, “Here I thought I was coming in to help you, and you helped me more than you realize.” The recently formed nonprofit celebrates the lives of differently abled individuals in […]

Looking for cover

Fending off the cold is the focus of several area exhibit spaces this winter, with Blue Spiral, A-B Tech’s Holly Library, the Folk Art Center and the Haywood County Arts Council Gallery all warming their walls with fuzzy fibers, quilts and tapestries. At Blue Spiral, Lisa Klakulak pays homage to the natural world and our […]

“Not like the stoners at the mall on a Friday night”

Troy Sanders, bassist for Atlanta-based heavy-metal heroes Mastodon, knows the cliché of the suburban metalhead: a faded denim jacket, ripped jeans, Slayer T-shirt and pencil-thin mustache-and-chin-strap facial hair. And Sanders is well aware of the Beavis- and Butthead-like drones who typically populate the metal scene. He knows all this, and wants no part of it. […]