Gallery Gossip

When I went, with fear and trembling, to my first art class in the early ‘70s as a nontraditional student, Tucker Cooke was my teacher. After 40 years at UNCA, Cooke has announced his retirement. The UNCA University Gallery, recently renamed in Cooke’s honor, has mounted a retrospective exhibit of his works and is hosting […]

Childhood idylls

Mockingbirds don’t do one single thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one blessed thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird. — Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird As children in […]

Speaking for the people

Thank goodness for organizations that keep democracy in check. The Canary Coalition and Mountain Voices Alliance are truly speaking for the people as they move toward legal action to oppose the Woodfin power plant. It is clear from the letters, public comments and overwhelming outrage about the plant that the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners […]

It takes an Asheville

After living in Asheville for the last three years, I am still so impressed by the people of Asheville who have such a sense of community and who are so incredibly kind, loving and caring. I want to thank those people who stopped to help me Saturday, Jan. 27, when I lost my footing and […]

Breathe easier, Amy

When I read Amy LaDeroute’s letter to the editor [“Let’s Make It 578,” Jan. 31] about the need for smoke-free musical venues, I smiled to myself in total agreement. I, too, have been a singer in this area for 15 years. For the past three years, I have been fortunate enough to perform in a […]

Another vote for no smoke

I concur with Amy LaDeroute [“Let’s Make It 578,” Jan. 31]: It’s time Asheville went smoke-free in public places. As a working musician of 30 years also, I’ve had my share of smoky bars. I now turn down gigs if there is heavy smoke. As someone with asthma, I don’t have much choice. I really […]

Helping hands appreciate­d

Kudos to several community businesses that recognize children as one of our most precious resources! The following restaurants made generous contributions to the Guardian ad Litem Program’s most recent training class: the Olive Garden, Frank’s Roman Pizza, Doc Chey’s Noodle House, Artisan Catering & Deli, Urban Burrito on Merrimon Avenue, Mela Indian Restaurant, Three Brothers […]

Any old press won’t do

I am pleased my recent letter to the editor [“Grab Your Yerba, Mateys”, Jan. 24] stirred such response in Mr. Radix Y. Faruq that he felt compelled to “throw in” his “pennies’ worth” [“Review It Yourself,” Jan. 31]. It means he read my letter, at least, if not Ms. Bianchi’s original review. (Ms. Bianchi’s creative […]

Color my world

In his letter “Tired of the Color Code” [Jan. 31], Mr. Soesbee made the following statement: “If we truly want equality between races, the color prefix should be eliminated. We are even more amazed when African Americans achieve great accomplishments. That demeans and undermines the hard work and success of that individual.” I find this […]

Fries with that?

Next time I pick up a new Mountain Xpress and see a letter by Stewart or Terry David, I will go to the nearest McDonald’s restaurant and purchase a double Quarter Pounder with cheese, then proceed to support the acquisition of a not-yet-selected local animal product and encourage others to do the same. I’m not […]

Big impression

Winter is the big time for small art. Black Mountain Center for the Arts just took down their annual miniatures show, and American Folk on Biltmore just put theirs up. Down in Brevard, the Drew Deane Gallery is exhibiting miniatures by eight regional artists. Like its current small works, the Drew Deane Gallery bears close […]

Gallery gossip

• Sadly, horror stories about one downtown gallery continue to arise: An artist being paid more than six months after work was sold; another piece being sold and its creator issued a bill for unauthorized reframing costs instead of a check. Asheville is full of artists desperate for a place to exhibit … but word […]

Summing up the president

[In] the letter entitled, “The Question of Fighting for Peace” [Jan. 10], [the writer says]: “The world’s leading sponsor of terror is a nation flush with oil money, bent on producing nuclear weapons and led by a man who believes his role is to provoke a clash of civilizations. He is neither interested in diplomacy […]

Democracy in action

Editor’s note: The Buncombe County Early College recently asked students to write an essay on how democracy affects them as individuals and how it should be reflected in the school’s constitution, which students are helping create. Xpress has already published Ariel Betancourt’s essay in its entirety (“Education and Democracy,” Jan. 31); here are excerpts from […]

Negligence law needs to change

The thoughtfully written commentary “Braking News” by Tamiko Murray [Jan. 3] stirred me deeply. I, too, as a pedestrian, was hit by a turning car whose driver said he didn’t see me. At the time of the accident, I was 78 years old. DeVonte was 8 years old. No matter how old or young one […]

Bravo, Cleveland and Asheville

As a native Clevelander and a lover of classical music, I commend your feature on the recent program of the Cleveland Orchestra. You did an excellent job of researching the images of Cleveland and the world-famous orchestra, and you presented a very readable article, full of wit, insight and illuminating interviews. The concert exceeded all […]

Reviewing the preview

I [had] just finished reading Cranky Hanke’s movie reviews in the [Jan. 17] issue. As usual, they were insightful and thorough, reflecting his unique understanding of the cinema. Then I flipped over to the review of the current Asheville Community Theatre’s production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof [“Still Sees Well in the Dark”]. […]

But wait, there’s more

Enough Mumpower bashing already. Please, would all of you whose hair has been falling out about his ghastly drug-scene investigations and his demonic behavior with the APD kindly get a life? I turn my back for five minutes, and the lot of you are standing in line to have another whack at him. Look at […]