Room at the inn

Elmer Hall is not an immediately accessible man. He’s not brusque, as those who’ve only spoken with him by phone sometimes say. But neither is he the garrulous grandpa kind of host one might expect, given the many stories of his kindnesses, his gentleness and, most particularly, his hospitality. Now in his 68th year, Hall […]

Letters to the editor

Don’t steal this book Asheville is having a rash of petty book-thieving. A number of desperate people have been stealing from local bookstores and selling the books at local used-book stores. Those of us who work at used-book stores are pretty savvy at spotting a stolen book, and we follow up on our suspicions. By […]

Letters to the editor

Can’t MAIN just take yes for an answer? In a recent letter [“Why Quote Mumpower, When He Stands Alone?” Dec. 21], MAIN Director Wally Bowen complained that WLOS had quoted Council member Mumpower and no one else, even though the motion to waive market-driven pricing on antennae placements and offer MAIN a discount was approved […]

What price higher education?

These days, every state has a university system, though that wasn’t always the case. New York, for example, didn’t establish the SUNY system until after World War II — which doesn’t seem to have impeded that state’s growth and prosperity. But the different systems vary widely in the extent to which they depend on government […]

And in this corner…

A great movie is one that packs an emotional wallop and makes you want to see it again right away. By those criteria, 2005 was a banner year. Alas, it also had quite a few stinkers. The best 1. Capote. Breathtaking performance by Philip Seymour Hoffman caps a flawless, chilling look at the cost of […]

In/Out List

To keep you current in 2006, we’ve divined from our (admittedly dubious) sources those trends cresting next year’s horizon — and those that need to be sent straight to bed. Out: SUVs Tom and Ray Magliozzi of “Car Talk” gave SUVs the thumbs down years ago, but these days, with gas prices soaring and environmental […]


Gratuitous End of the Year List Due to surliness brought on by excessive holiday cheer, I’ve forsaken originality in favor of worn-down tradition. Yes, like many pioneers before me, I’ve come up with a “Best Of” list. My minuscule offering regrettably omits many great bands I’ve neither seen nor heard. Feel free to grumble incessantly. […]

Letters to the editor

Your day in court without the cost This is a heads up to financially and physically challenged persons who have had or are having any kind of discriminatory experience with landlord/tenant issues in Western North Carolina. Even if you don’t have money, you can still get some help. If you have a good, factual basis […]

Cheaper by the Dozen 2


Cheaper by the Dozen 2 is full of good messages: Families are wonderful and bigger families are more wonderful. Families should do lots of things together because kids grow up before you know it. And the hardest thing all parents have to do is let their kids go. The nature of movie messages is that […]



2005 will be remembered for a quartet of fine films about international connectedness: The Constant Gardener, Lord of War, Syriana, and now Munich, Steven Spielberg’s long-awaited, controversial look at Mideast terrorism. Munich’s basic structure as adventure tale/psychological thriller comes from Vengeance, a book by Canadian journalist George Jonas which, although disputed by some, purports convincingly […]

Renaissanc­e clown

photo by Mariah Grant Rare treat: Brian Vasilik at Dairy Queen It had been five years or more since my last trip to the Asheville Mall, but it was my granddaughter Rachel’s 12th birthday, and she wanted to go shopping. When we completed our purchases, Rachel hinted that ice cream might be a worthy end […]


Artist Spotlight – Neil Morris Until last week, Neil Morris had never blipped on my radar. Although his debut disc, Rosieface, came without the standard press confetti, the liner notes laughed at my ignorance. Names like Jerry Douglas and Warren Haynes popped off the paper. The record — a tender dose of Americana — is […]

Letters to the editor

Clearing the air for democracy Steve Rasmussen’s article, “Who’s In Charge?” [Dec. 7, 2005], regarding the presumed influence CIBO has on air board appointments is Fourth Estate journalistic responsibility at its finest. I am unaware of any other local media — print or broadcast — providing such insights. In a democratic society, the Fourth Estate […]

Letters to the editor

Let us stay Weaverville! With the exception of Al Root, the rest of the Weaverville Town Council has sold out this quaint and peaceful hamlet to benefit the bank accounts of developers and to ensure the growth of unnecessary urban sprawl. Reportedly, 1,500 jobs will be created by the building of the project the Council […]


Former N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Burley Mitchell’s recent remark that we should consider decriminalizing drugs garnered headlines in newspapers across the state. That’s not surprising, considering Mitchell’s reputation as a tough law-and-order judge. But there’s something troubling about the reaction to Mitchell’s suggestion that goes beyond the issue he raised. Mitchell made the remarks […]

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


It’s 1941 London. Hideous German planes drop death on the city, forcing thousands of youngsters to seek refuge in the countryside. Among them are the four Pevensie children. There’s Peter, about 15 (William Moseley), Susan, 14 (Anna Popplewell), and Edmund, 9 (Skandar Keynes). At 7, little Lucy (Georgie Henley) is the youngest, but she’s also […]