Free wheel astrologer

Rob Brezsny was primping in the restroom of a Roy Rogers restaurant in Chapel Hill when it happened. Even in 1977, you didn’t try to talk your girlfriend into moving to the hippie heaven known as Santa Cruz, Calif., without at least finger-combing your hair first. But at that fateful moment the young Brezsny, readying […]


Local News Mad Tea Party Gearing up for Two Releases A double dose of ukulele vaudeville madness will soon take over Asheville. Local band Mad Tea Party will first release Flying Saucers in November. Composed entirely of covers, the record remodels tunes from the ’20s, ’30s and ’40s. Guests on the CD include Jake Hollifield […]

A historic victory

Standing in line at the West End Bakery the morning after the Nov. 8 city elections, two dreadlocked customers pondered pastry selections and the vexing question of what size coffee to order. Still sporting “I voted” stickers, the two probably figured they’d made enough tough choices the day before, when Asheville voters took to the […]

Letters to the editor

Let’s see a Christian Pride Day As a pagan high priest and ordained minister, I challenge Asheville’s Christian community to hold a Christian Pride Day. I have heard and read much criticism from the Christian community about Asheville’s recent Pagan Pride Day. The pagan community (which includes Native American, Celtic, African, Asian and many other […]

Bluff called

The Diocese of Charlotte appears to have dealt a fatal blow to the city’s plan to build a controversial downtown parking deck next to the Battery Park Apartments in downtown Asheville. In an Oct. 25 letter, attorney Richard Lucey informed city officials that the diocese is backing away from its agreement to sell a key […]

Letters to the editor

Small companion leaves big heartache behind My mini-Pomeranian, Mr. Bojangles, has been missing several weeks from the place I work, Ragtime Vintage Clothing Store, on Walnut Street in downtown Asheville. I went to eat dinner, and my friend who worked after me was watching him. Mr. Bojangles snuck out when she wasn’t looking. I have […]

The problem is the money

The stories about the 2008 election are starting already. Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue made headlines recently with a high-dollar fund-raiser sponsored by a long list of big Democratic donors and fund-raising heavyweights. That sent a buzz through the political world, because it appears to give Perdue a head start in what has increasingly become the […]



When a Marine speaks, it doesn’t have to be either pro-war or anti-war — it can be just the voice of a Marine. This fact is hard for some people to accept, which is why Jarhead may end up as the most misunderstood movie of the year. In this irreverent, lyrical, disturbing, mesmerizing and multilayered […]

This ain’t it for the other one

When pontificating about the Grateful Dead, it’s usually safe — especially in a supposedly Dead-savvy town like Asheville — to assert that Jerry Garcia was something like The One when it came to that band’s long, strange musical trip. It’s sure ground to stand on, as far as these things go — whereas not quite […]


CD reviews David Holt, Let it Slide: Three Stars Genre(s): Blues … sort of. You’ll like it if: You don’t mind sunshine injected into your blues stompers. Defining song: “Slow Food” — Co-written by Michael Reno Harrell and featuring a guest vocal by picking ambassador Doc Watson, this tune takes a humorous stand against fast […]

Passion fruit

Some artists find their inspiration in art history, some find it inside their own psyche, and others look to the natural, political, or social world for ideas. For local photographer Ralph Burns, inspiration has for almost 30 years come from the spiritual practices of people around the world. But something more concrete — namely, a […]


CD reviews U.S. Christmas, Salt the Wound: Three Stars • Genre(s): Stoner/Space/Sludge Rock • You’ll like it if: You need confrontational rock balanced with trippy forays into the unknown. • Defining song: “Devil’s Flower” – Stuck somewhere between the visceral punch of Comets on Fire and the psychedelic pinnacles of early Pink Floyd, this song […]

Letters to the editor

Cheap tricks deny rich heritage I feel the slogan Buncombe County’s Tourism and Development Authority (TDA) selected for Asheville (“Asheville: Any Way You Want It”) is wrong. Permit me to expand on these feelings. First, Asheville and Western North Carolina are rich in and renowned for our history, scenery, architecture, music, arts and crafts, independence […]

Leaps of faith

A casual mention by a Methodist friend of mine has led me to study the life and works of Cyril of Alexandria, a fifth-century C.E. theologian and scholar who was archbishop of Alexandria (a title he apparently inherited from his uncle Theophilus). One writer referred to Cyril as “an ill-tempered, quarrelsome, hasty and violent man.” […]



Everyone in Prime is in therapy, so they’re always chirping, “What are you feeling?” I’ll tell you what I’m feeling: I hate this movie. It’s pointless, self-absorbed, puerile and witless. Worse, this so-called romantic comedy is about as sexy as snoring. Climaxing its sins, it is so-o-o boring that a hapless critic has to perform […]

The Legend of Zorro


Nothing’s sexier than a guy who knows how to handle a cape. If he also wears a black hat and high boots with silver spurs and rides a maniac black stallion that thinks it’s a gazelle — well, viva El Zorro! Antonio Banderas was born to play “The Fox,” the California folk hero who hides […]