Gray matter

“Pater Noxus” (“Bad Father”), by Betty Clark. Ask any Asheville art aficionado to describe Betty Clark’s work, and a word that echoes the artist’s own lively name is often heard: “cheerful.” (“Colorful” and “decorative” are also commonly offered.) But Clark’s current exhibit at Black Mountain Center for the Arts is decidedly darker. Gone are the […]

Colorful containers create mini-gardens

I love it when I round a corner and encounter a harmonious mix of plants tucked into (and perhaps overflowing) an attractive container. Sometimes it’s a quiet and subtle hello; other times it can be a loud and exuberant HELLO! Oftentimes it’s the container, itself a piece of art, that catches my eye; and then […]

The Chorus


It’s 1949 in France. The country is recovering from the Nazi nightmare, yet its survivors often imitate the worst attributes of the invader. Thousands of children are orphaned or raised in fatherless homes. The careers of many adults are irretrievably interrupted, the hopes of an entire generation dashed forever. Fond de L’Etang (literally translated as […]

Off the Map


Off the Map is a movie for sensitive adults or attuned junior-high girls, since they’re probably the only ones who can accept the unhurried pace with which this lyrical coming-of-age story unfolds. Even in the relative coolness of the thick-walled adobe house where much of the story takes place, summer in the high desert near […]

A private meeting and a public failure

If you’re going to carry on a secret affair, why not do it in the privacy of a hotel room? That’s exactly what happened on April 26, when the Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners huddled with attorneys and a mediator at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel in an attempt to renegotiate […]

Letters to the editor

Think local, act Global Unless something dramatically magical happens right away, the editorial collective of Asheville Global Report is sad to announce that we may no longer continue publishing. We’re not kidding. Many of you reading this letter may be familiar with our whining pleas every fall and spring for public support to cover our […]

Artists play key role in local economy

Even as the World Trade Center towers lay smoldering on the ground in New York City nearly four years ago, then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, when asked what Americans could do for New York, responded without hesitation: “Come here as a tourist. Go out to dinner in one of our fine restaurants. See a Broadway show.” […]

Can’t hardly wait

photo by Miranda Penn Turin w/Patricia Burlingame/ Rare bird: Paul Westerberg still annoys critics, confounds fans and disses reporters, including Saby Reyes-Kulkarni. In 1999, producer Don Was, who had just helmed Paul Westerberg’s third solo album, Suicaine Gratification, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that “if I could have worked with John Lennon at his creative […]

Road(ie) warrior

On Saturday, the hardest-working band in rock and roll brings its show to Asheville to wrap up a spring tour. Despite this being Widespread Panic’s first tour since taking an unprecedented 15-month hiatus, Athens’ original road warriors, who spend half the year burning the asphalt, are still ranked among the top-50-grossing touring acts. The accomplishment […]

Poke-ing around in the garden

[Editor’s note: Pokeweed is a potentially toxic plant; taken in large doses, it can cause severe side effects, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Try these recipes at your own risk.] Growing up in the Northeast, I loved playing with the purple pokeberries, painting designs on my skin. My parents allowed this, though they made it […]

The strings behind the strings

photo courtesy of the Country Music Hall of Fame He saw the light: At his wife’s urging, banjo genius Earl Scruggs forsook hardcore bluegrass circles for the college circuit beginning in 1959. Before Jack White sowed a fresh crop of country fans by producing Loretta Lynn’s Van Lear Rose, and before Rick Rubin and his […]

They’re back

Giants in the Park, by Stephen Lange In 1992, more than 100 citizens of a small Russian city near Chernobyl reported a visit from aliens in a bullet-shaped spaceship. The event was widely reported in Europe and Asia, but not in the U.S.; Stephen Lange read about it in a UFO magazine. Lange made his […]

R.I.P. hemlocks?

The dreaded hemlock woolly adelgid has finally made its appearance in Asheville. They’ve actually been here for a while, but I’ve now seen them with my own eyes (or, rather, I’ve seen the waxy white “wool” these tiny insects create to shield themselves and their eggs: minute tufts of cottony material glowing against the base […]

A more intimate event

The Mountain Sports Festival turns 5 this year — and after several rounds of fiddling with the recipe, this bouillabaisse of outdoor-sport competitions, events and activities is finding its true flavor. The three-day festival runs from 3 p.m. on Friday, April 29, through 6 p.m. on Sunday, May 1, accompanied by a full complement of […]

Born Into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids


The most important thing to know about this Oscar-winning documentary is that it’s not what you’d expect. Set in the red light district of Calcutta, the film cannot, of course, avoid grinding poverty, filth and misery. What’s surprising, and what makes this film so magnificent, is that while you’re wiping away the predictable tears (you’ve […]



It’s Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1943. The Gestapo of the invading Third Reich is everywhere, eyeing every Czech who walks without downcast eyes. Eliska (Czechoslovakian Anna Geislerova, Little Scars) is a beautiful, fashion-conscious nurse whose dream of becoming a doctor has been thwarted, since the Germans closed the nation’s medical schools. Eliska, her surgeon lover and […]

Letters to the editor

Celebrate the medical miracle of public health April is National Public Health Month — a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions that public health makes in our community and in our nation. In recent history, we have seen many modern medical miracles. Yet most people do not realize the contributions public health has made. […]