Letters to the editor

Inhaling at the Black Forest [Editor’s note: The first three letters this week were received in response to a review of the Black Forest restaurant in our Food section [“The Black Forest,” March 16]. Reviewer Mackensy Lunsford’s comments follow the third letter.] I dine at the Black Forest all the time, and your review (if […]

A passion for Paphs

The mere mention of orchids evokes tropical islands, plant explorations and mysterious encounters. Delicate and seductive, these beautiful flowers are unrivaled in both color and form, bringing joy to the hearts of their many admirers. That said, I have a confession to make: For whatever reasons, I’ve never caught the tropical-orchid fever. As a horticulturist […]

Return of the X man

“The bands that really do something worthwhile,” says singer, songwriter and sometime actor John Doe, “are the ones that take music to a different level or sideways and create some kind of hybrid.” He should know. As co-front man of legendary Los Angeles band X, Doe helped forge a new alliance between punk and country/rockabilly […]

Where did all the treetops go?

photo by Megan Shepherd Lopped limbs: The topped tree on the left will never regain normal growth–instead it will send out a tuft of weak, spindly limbs, prone to storm damage and disease. For almost half the year, our deciduous trees stand leafless, revealing either graceful silhouettes or a bunch of ugly brown-and-gray branches, depending […]

Water torture

Mere months before the many-headed Hydra that is the Regional Water Agreement is scheduled to expire, the central questions remain: Will Asheville and Buncombe County negotiate a settlement tying up all the loose ends? Will their lawyers wind up duking it out in court? Or will the General Assembly, like some legislative deus ex machina, […]

Postcards to the edge

Though far from unanimity, a consensus was clear. At Buncombe County’s March 14 public forum on the future of the water system, most speakers supported the county’s call for a regional water authority and voiced opposition to higher rates for water customers outside the Asheville city limits. But rather than swaying official opinion in Asheville, […]

Asheville City Council

Every year, the Asheville City Council adopts a wish list of appropriations requests that’s submitted to the city’s elected representatives in Washington. And every year, Council does this in the hope that their requests will find favor with the folks who dole out the dough and shepherd bills into law. This year, however, Council members […]

Letters to the editor

Keep the cards on the table I read with some interest the article by Brian Sarzynski about the Aces’ recent proposal for changes to the relationship between the Aces and the City of Asheville [“Ace in the Hole?”, March 9]. First of all, I’d like to thank Dr. Hoodenpyle and the other prospective Aces owners […]

Why I hate Starbucks

When Vincent’s Ear closed late last year, I wasn’t one of the people making a lot of noise about it. I’d been there maybe three times in the past five years, at most. Not that I found the place offensive or anything — I just never ended up going there much. In fact, I barely […]

Letters to the editor

Let’s try jailing hypocrisy addicts With all too familiar pain, I read Brian Postelle’s excellent expose revealing our new police chief’s priority to be drug enforcement [“In His Own Words,” Jan. 12]. Chief Hogan will focus mainly on the drug-using poor. Their already enormous burdens will be doubled by this increased harassment, incarceration and violence. […]

Cheating in the digital age

Great, I thought: Here I am in downtown Asheville on a Saturday before the scheduled elections; why not vote now? I’ll even get a paper ballot! But after walking into the Board of Elections, I quickly learned that paper ballots are only an option for absentee voters. Arghh! Guess I’ll just have to trust those […]



In a wild, Erector-set world, a young robot seeks fame and fortune as an inventor. While fighting evil forces of planned obsolescence, he repairs his fellow robots with spare parts, proving that, “You don’t have to be upgraded to be valuable.” That’s the nuts and bolts of Robots, the latest animated adventure from the folks […]

Ace in the hole?

The Asheville Aces, the city’s professional hockey team, make their home at the Asheville Civic Center; their landlord is the city of Asheville. And as anyone familiar with the downtown entertainment venue knows, the Aces’ home is best described as a fixer-upper. Apparently, however, this particular tenant is antsy for the landlord to make the […]

Blowin’ in the wind

Less than three years after North Carolina passed the groundbreaking Clean Smokestacks Act, the state now appears to be moving in the opposite direction when it comes to regulating air pollution from old, grandfathered power plants. But a grassroots environmental group based in Sylva is determined to hold North Carolina’s feet to the fire. State […]

Letters to the editor

Molton’s pot looks black indeed Dear Mr. Molton: Regarding your most recent cartoon [March 2], may I offer that my tendency to pander to special interest groups, including developers, is about as intact as your reputation for objective interest in the facts? — Carl MumpowerVice MayorAsheville For whom the media tolls The recent flooding in […]