Green and affordable

It’s often assumed that only folks with deep pockets can afford to build an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient home. But an effort led by Mountain Housing Opportunities is deconstructing that idea. The Asheville-based nonprofit held a press conference in the West End/Clingman Avenue neighborhood on Aug. 28 to showcase the progress being made on Prospect Terrace, […]

A man of the House

“Charlie Taylor, wherever you are — pay your taxes.” Stinging words, indeed. And U.S. Rep. Charles Taylor must have been keenly aware that they were being uttered not by a political opponent but by a prominent fellow Republican — and at the state GOP convention in 2000, no less. But that’s what former House Majority […]

Letters to the editor

Black hats, compasses and Feng Shui As a Feng Shui consultant, certified by two Chinese masters in classical Compass School, I was surprised and dismayed at the limited scope of your recent article on Feng Shui [“Going with the Flow,” Aug. 18]. Your leading graphic is a Luo Pan compass, but your article never really […]

Green building is everybody’­s business

The crucial need to balance private interests and community interests lies at the heart of a number of recent heated development-related controversies in Asheville, such as the Grove Park Inn building proposals, the Wal-Mart Supercenter in east Asheville, and the Campus Crest for-profit student housing project in Montford. Protecting community interests from self-interested attempts to […]

Festival Express


Thirty-four years ago, in 1970, a private train bustling with music superstars, their roadies and equipment traveled across Canada, stopping to put on concerts along the way. It was “a train of insane people careening across the country,” says The Grateful Dead’s Mickey Hart. Like a traveling circus, this Woodstock-on-wheels packed musicians together for five […]

Top dog

[Editor’s Note: Due to predicted bad weather for the weekend, The Eighth-Annual Great Smokies Craft Brewers Brewgrass Festival has been rescheduled for Oct 30. See or call 255-0504 for more information.] “It’s awesome,” declares Jimmy Martin, bluegrass music’s original rebel. Martin then immediately clarifies his word choice in describing the public reception to his […]

His story in the making

As a boy growing up in the town of Cherokee, Lloyd Arneach was immersed in tales of the Trail of Tears, the terrible forced exodus in 1838-39 of eastern Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma. But when Arneach became a professional storyteller, he was drawn to a tale of a different tribe, from a land he’d never […]

Too peculiar for prime time?

The dashing retro packaging of the new, live, self-named and self-produced double-CD/DVD by The Goodies! whiffs strongly of a rich future for the band. Then again, the trio of singer/guitarist Holiday Childress, bassist Patrick Kelly and drummer Michael Allen has been busy not making it big for more than 10 years now. Tricked out in […]

The junk journal

Clarification The Sept. 1 installment of “Junk Journal” attempted to lavish praise on the “biting original rhymes” of Pens & Needles‘ master wordsmith The Mad Rabbi. However, “biting rhymes,” in its hip-hop “verb” form, amounts to the very uncool thievery of another rapper’s lyrics. Thus, some readers may have read the line as an unintentionally […]