The Wild Gardener

Fine flowers have been an accompaniment to good meals for centuries, whether as bouquets on the table or actually placed on the plate. And in many of today’s fancier restaurants, flower garnishes — often nasturtiums or pansies — have begun replacing parsley. Unfortunately, many diners push these edible blossoms, meant to heighten the dining experience, […]

It’s war!

Asheville Vice Mayor Carl Mumpower wanted a war on drugs. What he got was a war of words. The pitched battle took place during a May 3 City Council budget workshop. The conflict made public the acrimony that has simmered privately for months. At one point in the meeting, Mumpower accused Council member Terry Bellamy […]

With one voice?

Earlier this year, City Council decided to revamp the way it approaches its annual goal-setting retreat and budget-development process. In the past, Council has generally met for one or two days of brainstorming in the winter and agreed on a set of goals for the coming year. Those goals are then reflected in the budget […]

Letters to the editor

Sinclair Broadcasting violated the public trust? The censorship, on April 30, of Ted Koppel’s reading of the names of American soldiers killed in Iraq was inexcusable. Through an irresponsible misuse of its power as a broadcaster, Sinclair Broadcast Group showed a lack of respect for the intelligence of the viewers in the communities in which […]

Feels like old times

The new agreement “muddles who is responsible for what.” — Water Authority attorney Craig Justus Just when it seemed as though a common focus on refurbishing the crumbling infrastructure had brought a cease-fire to the long-running water wars, hostilities between Asheville and the Regional Water Authority of Asheville, Buncombe and Henderson have broken out once […]

Asheville City Council

“I live in a mixed-use neighborhood, and I know that neighborhoods can grow and evolve as long as you preserve their integrity.” — Council member Brownie Newman Sometimes promises made on the campaign trail can come back to haunt you. That certainly seemed to be the case at the Asheville City Council’s April 27 formal […]

Letters to the editor

Park or parking? As a resident of north Asheville (between Broadway and Merrimon), I am disturbed to learn of UNCA’s plans to build a 300-space parking garage in the woods west of the Forest Service building on Weaver Boulevard. The woods (owned by UNCA) [are] widely used by the north Asheville community to walk, bike, […]

The public be damned?

On April 13, the Asheville City Council voted unanimously to limit the opportunities for public input at Council meetings. This move, taken despite a marked lack of evidence to justify the need — and, ironically, with little warning or opportunity for feedback — raises serious questions about the rights and responsibilities of both citizens and […]

Traffic jammer

In 1963, at the tender age of 15, Steve Winwood joined the Spencer Davis Group. In doing so, he founded an elite fraternity that would later come to include Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead and the now-late, great George Harrison. From their teenage years forward, all three of these musicians would know nothing but […]

Bring (or make) the kids

In a metamorphosis worthy of Kafka himself, the last Lake Eden Arts Festival turned my kids’ oft-tossed toddler tantrums into tempers of sweet tranquility. The transformation started one Friday back in October, as my wife, Anne, and I packed up the car to head out to the fall installment of LEAF in nearby Black Mountain. […]

Vital signs

“Uncle Dave’s coaching what?!?” “Women’s football, you rookie. And that’s ‘Coach Tibbs’ or ‘Sir’ to you. Give me 20 push-ups.” That’s exactly what coach Dave Tibbs will give you, too — if you play on his football team, that is. Better known to some as “Uncle Dave” of WNCW’s weekly Grateful Dead bonanza, “Dead Air,” […]


Twelve years ago, as I was walking barefoot in the Catskill Mountains with a friend, enjoying the flowers and the lively conversation, I suddenly felt an excruciating pain. I had stepped on a bee. Immediately, I was flooded with memories of what had happened the last time I’d been stung on the foot: restless nights, […]

Festival Village

Where can you hitch a ride on a mechanical bull, enjoy a foot massage, savor a healthy Spanish dessert, and then crash out in a backpacking hammock — all on the same day? As command central for this year’s Mountain Sports Festival presented by RBC Centura, the Festival Center will be jumping with ongoing demos, […]


So you don’t think skateboarding is a real mountain sport, eh? Think again, my friend. Now in its fourth year of competitive action, the Mountain Sports Festival presented by RBC Centura has decided to get in touch with its inner city, acknowledging that some of the finest sport in these mountains has nothing to do […]


Local car-top observers can testify that bikes start popping up on roof racks in spring the way tulips do in April gardens. Many of those bikes have local owners, but herds of visiting cyclists also make their way to the Blue Ridge from far away. Western North Carolina, says Dixie Bootleg 6 Hour Enduro organizer […]


Leaving downtown Asheville via Patton Avenue, the view can be jaw-dropping: a staggered line of soft peaks evaporating into the west. It’s one thing to catch a glimpse of it from a car that’s preparing to navigate the looming complexities of the I-240 interchanges. But to approach this stunning vista in synch with the sound […]

Disc golf

At last, a sport that isn’t driven by testosterone! It’s cheap, it’s eco-friendly, and you don’t even have to know the rules to enjoy a pleasurable round with family or friends. But don’t let the laid-back attitude fool you — at the Mountain Sports Festival presented by RBC Centura, you’ll soon discover that there’s far […]


Gravity is the law — there’s no getting around it. But laws can be broken. And if civil disobedience is your cup of tea, then you might want to consider entering (or at least watching) the climbing competitions at this year’s Mountain Sports Festival presented by RBC Centura. Scofflaws will undoubtedly be flouting Newton’s most […]

The music

Downtown Asheville ranks among those rare urban areas where there’s a thriving club scene and musicians are equally keen on performing al fresco. Because when your stage is set against a backdrop of towering rock faces, it’s hard to avoid making magic. Fans tend to show up for shows already stoked, making it easier for […]

Tykes on bikes

“The Mountain Sports Festival presented by RBC Centura is a chance for die-hard bikers, runners, river rats, climbers and mountain adventurers of all sorts to come together and revel in their sport,” explains Children’s Committee Chair Julie Corey. That includes young adventurers who are just beginning to discover the joys of organized outdoor activities. “Hopefully, […]