Asheville City Council

“I have concerns that the board is being stacked unfairly, and that it [will be] out of balance. I’m not going to support that.” — Vice Mayor Carl Mumpower After three days of bonding in the woods, Asheville City Council members returned to their duties with a newfound sense of camaraderie — along with a […]

Letters to the editor

Loss of Blue Ridge Center’s care a tragedy for us all Jeff Long’s intelligent letter [“Words From the Front Lines of Mental Illness,” Xpress Jan. 28], which outlined the important need to continue services for our the mentally handicapped citizens, touched a special spot in me. After eight long years of helplessly witnessing the decline […]

Shot in the dark

“All the people [in film school] were assholes.” There are a few things you should know about Asheville filmmaker Rod Murphy: He’s pale. He’s funny. He’s loud. He was born in Boston, raised in Southbridge, and thinks Grady Little should have pulled the hook on Pedro Martinez in Game 7. He loves Asheville. He hates […]

Million-martini march

“We haven’t done anything to promote the [group] except to tell our friends,” insists drummer Bill Smith, founder of Asheville’s Firecracker Jazz Band. “We haven’t called club owners to book gigs — they’ve called us.” Smith is just as surprised by his band’s sudden popularity as is anyone. He’s also quite grateful, as are Firecracker’s […]

Better late than lifelike

The large painting now in Blue Spiral 1’s front window sings into the street, its lyrical colors flowing with vibrant energy. The painting is something of a window itself into the life of its intriguing creator, an example of a lifelong dream made manifest. “Joyance,” an abstract, is the work of Mary Charles Griffin, who […]

Even better than the real thing?

The urge to step inside another band’s skin is far more than a local phenomenon, of course. Quite a few groups nationwide have made successful careers not just in choosing a set list heavy on “Brown Eyed Girl” and “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” but by immersing themselves into some star group’s whole gestalt, from vocal inflections […]

Sweet and lowdown

The Andrews Sisters never sang about getting a Brazilian wax. Sure, they urged us to not sit under the apple tree with anyone else but them, and they put the boogie-woogie to that cute bugle boy from Company C. Yet the wartime sibling warblers never once mentioned that saucy South American salon technique — where […]

Her story

Listen up, girls. Whether you’re single or “involved” with Mr./Ms. Right — or with a random Mr./Ms. Right Now — the following titles are sure to put a little fizzle in your snizzle. Read on! • How to Be Popular, by Jennifer McKnight-Trontz. Get into the swim, cat! Some of these tips from the 1960s […]

Letters to the editor

Thank you, Jeff Long, for important letter on Blue Ridge Center I have been a reader of [Mountain Xpress] for a while. Even though we live many miles from you, your paper is important to us because of your interest in covering the Blue Ridge Center. We have a dear relative that lives in Asheville, […]

Asheville City Council

“I’m afraid that what has happened to our community will happen again.” — EMSDC supporter Althea Goode “Basically, this is a routine budget amendment,” observed Planning and Development Director Scott Shuford as he introduced the evening’s main event. But then, after a pause, he added, “As if anything about this project could be routine.” Shuford’s […]

Letters to the editor

Fair article on Fair Trade Kudos to [Xpress writer] Stuart Gaines for shedding some light on the coffee trade. I found his article [“The Politics of Coffee,” Jan. 21] to be accurate and informative. Many coffee farmers are removed from markets. They never know from year to year how much money they will receive for […]



The amazing thing about Miracle is that it’s exactly that — a miracle. The film is about a miracle in sports history — the United States’ astonishing ice-hockey win at the 13th Winter Olympics, in Lake Placid in 1980. The movie itself is a low-budget gem, made by relatively unknown filmmakers on their first major […]

A bumpy ride back

I was introduced to the subdudes by my childhood friend Josh in 1990 — the year he discovered he was dying. The band had just released their self-titled debut album on Atlantic Records, and we played it over and over in our tiny apartment on San Francisco’s Haight Street. More than the specific songs, I […]

Lube job

In the dried-up summer of ’78, I sat in a chilly three-screen theater in a baking Carolina town, peering up wolfishly at Olivia Newton-John’s modest backside contoured in skin-tight, shiny-black leather. My companion, also then age 12, resoundingly agreed that the petite, doe-eyed Aussie pop singer was, like, the ultimate, y’know, I’d bang her, well, […]

Walking awake

“Things can go seriously wrong out here in a matter of minutes.” The first mile was rough — and it was all uphill from there. I knew I was working with a pro when Sammy started weighing the pocketknives. It was the night before we were to embark on a three-day winter trek into the […]

Buttering up

Right now, my feet are cold. And Lou Rawls is in the Bahamas. These two facts are actually more connected than they might seem. To begin with, the three-time Grammy winner’s late-booked gig in the sunny, rum-soaked Caribbean usurped our scheduled phone time. And on this blustery winter day, so far removed from white-sand beaches […]