Thoughtful­ness as a weapon

Even as Tracy Chapman albums go, last year’s Let It Rain is a subdued affair. Arrangements are typically spare, with voice and guitar mixed up front. This is nothing new for Chapman, of course — only this time, the other instrumentation is pushed almost to the margins. The folksinger affects a ghostly presence through plaintive […]

Vital signs

OK, I admit it: Initially, I was disappointed. I wanted to hear the Boss bark that line about “broken heroes on a last-chance power drive.” I wanted to slump low in my seat and let the penetrating bass of some blue-chip cruising standard send primeval rumblings through my chest and nether regions. War’s “Low Rider” […]

Black walnut: Friend or foe?

Sitting in the soft, feathery shade of a black walnut tree, I’m reminded of the paradox that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure (or, perhaps, one person’s love is another’s frustration). And labeling plants “good” or “bad” may say as much about our own judgment and agenda as it does about the plants themselves. […]


Vetiveria zizanioides (or, as it’s more popularly known, khus-khus) is an Asian grass that’s native to the tropics, where it has enjoyed a reputation as both an erotic perfume and an ingredient in island cooking. Also known as vetiver grass, its roots yield an oil that is prized for its ability to fix other aromas, […]

Memories of Hidden Valley

Memory, the unique, inherent ability of man to store and later recall events in their lives. We have fond memories of our home in Florida, and with good reason: Howard was born in Orlando, September 21, 1924 and spent most of his early life in the Central Florida area. His dad was a builder in […]

Learning from I-26

[Editor’s note: This story originally appeared in the February 1992 edition of Green Line, the monthly predecessor of Mountain Xpress.] If I-26 is any indication, highway boosters are far more organized than proponents of alternative transportation, who usually react too late. Starting in 1987, I-26 boosters in WNC had a two-year head start on opponents […]

Buncombe County Commission

If the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners’ July 8 meeting had been any shorter, it would have taken longer for everyone to file in and out than it did for the board to conduct its business. Contributing to the meeting’s brevity was the commissioners’ decision to postpone making appointments to the county Planning Board until […]


Tour de Canary The grassroots Canary Coalition coordinates public events designed to educate public officials and focus national attention on WNC’s air-quality problems. And if you haven’t taken notice of their efforts, it could be a reflection of just how bad things have gotten: Over the past three decades, the average visibility in the Smokies […]

Letters to the editor

Advertiser alert Xpress has learned that someone not connected with the paper has been contacting local businesses and posing as one of our advertising representatives. If an unfamiliar rep calls your business, please ask for his or her name and phone number, and then call Xpress at (828) 251-1333 to verify that person works here. […]

Polyester truth

“Let’s do another bad one, then,” Warren Zevon jokes at the outset of “Numb as a Statue,” from his yet-to-be-released The Wind. “‘Cause I like it when the blood drains from Dave’s fa-a-a-ace.” Then a couple of tasty lap-steel notes bolt from the silence, clean as fire and as dirty as a dollar. Because Zevon […]

Death’s love letter

Warren Zevon has always had a thing about death. But lately, death has taken quite a shine to him, too. Zevon, who singularly defines the dark underbelly of classic Southern California rock (Jackson Browne, The Eagles), has mesothelioma. He’s dying. And if my casting of his impending demise seems needlessly callous, then you’re probably not […]

Midsummer blues

Like many gardeners, I’m tempted to neglect my crops during the dog days. The combination of heat waves and the tidal wave of looming midsummer garden tasks threatens to take the wind out of my sails. Happily, however, cool blues come to the rescue; they refresh and sustain me, even lure me out into the […]

Asheville City Council

“There is nothing in here [pointing to the plan] that carries the force of an ordinance. … Things change.” — Asheville Mayor Charles Worley, speaking about the 2025 Plan It’s more than 200 pages long, has been in development for more than two years, and reflects the collective wishes of hundreds of Asheville residents. But […]

Assault and memory

It’s third and long and the Asheville Assault is desperate to get the ball back and put some points on the board. The quarterback for the Chattanooga Locomotion takes the ball from the snap, drops back into the pocket, and quickly fires a tight spiral into the wide receiver’s waiting hands. From the sideline, it […]


Tour de Canary The grassroots Canary Coalition coordinates public events designed to educate public officials and focus national attention on WNC’s air-quality problems. And if you haven’t taken notice of their efforts, it could be a reflection of just how bad things have gotten: Over the past three decades, the average visibility in the Smokies […]

Letters to the editor

A call to all fencers I am looking for fencers. Not the ones who build enclosures, but the ones who use foils, sabres and epees. I would like to start a club in the Asheville area — one that will provide a meeting place for fencers of all ages, genders and levels of experience. I […]


Much has been made of the Asheville City Council’s just-concluded budget battle. To some, it seems inconceivable that four such disparate elected officials could successfully put aside their considerable political and personal differences in order to achieve a common goal. For others, the very fact that Terry Bellamy, Joe Dunn, Holly Jones and Brian Peterson […]

Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas


Sinbad is awesome, spectacular, gorgeous and thrilling — though my praise carries this caveat: You have to go into this movie without any preconceived notions. If you want a cartoon laugh riot, this isn’t for you. Sinbad has a few giggles, but no cuteness whatsoever. From start to finish, it’s a mythic adventure story in […]