Heritage or hate?

Heritage, not hate! Just about every Southerner has seen this familiar slogan plastered on the bumper of a passing car or boldly emblazoned across a tattered T-shirt. And as the public debate over the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina packs up and moves on to other states, the question remains a critical one for […]

While Rome burns

The concept behind “six degrees of separation” is always surprising, especially when it seems to work even with a celebrity like the late Dr. Seuss. I was able to make a connection using two people: my wife and her Great Uncle Philip Rosa. Before the doctor’s name became common knowledge, there was a gentleman who […]

Transforma­tion on tape

Being well-intentioned but naturally slothful — and suffering from that chronic malady called “Someday I will” — many of us find making New Year’s resolutions quite easy. It’s keeping them that’s impossible. I give you four reasons why audio books are especially helpful tools if you aim to change your ways in 2001: First, you […]

The latest word

“My most important piece of advice to all you would-be writers: When you write, try to leave out all the parts readers skip.” — Elmore Leonard Review The Aerialist, by Richard Schmitt (Sewanee Writers’ Series/Overlook Press, 2000) Richard Schmitt’s darkly funny debut novel, The Aerialist, is as much about everyday life as it is a […]

Outside the lines

Somewhere on the easternmost fringes of Buncombe County, Clyde Hollifield leads a taciturn existence far from the madding crowd. But his reputation casts a long shadow. I stumbled across his name while interviewing an eccentric local writer. “Do you know any other exceptional characters?” I asked at the end of our conversation. I was promptly […]

Asheville City Council

Veteran Asheville City Council watchers know all about the cushions. Only three padded chairs are available to the public during Council meetings, and they’re quickly snatched up by those in the know. This may seem like a trivial matter, but formal Council sessions have a tendency to drag on into the night — testing both […]


Timber sale withdrawn It could be just another aspiring garage band out of Athens, Ga.: Velvet Covert Snail. But it seems that this one really is a snail (Inflectarius subpallitus, to be exact), and it’s alive and well in Western North Carolina. In fact, the prognosis for the snail’s well-being just got rosier: On Nov. […]

Letters to the editor

Bah, humbug to unappreciative sons! After having read the article “I Can’t Stand It” [Holiday Season Guide, Dec. 6], I am obliged to inform you of the fact that the author of this untrue, misleading and very libelous tale is flying under false colors. I, his father, once took great pride in his achievements — […]

Napping in the middle of the day

I just awoke from a deep sleep. I was taking a nap in the middle of the day. I am lying on my canopied, queen-size bed. A soft cotton blanket is thrown over my legs. My sweet but frantic Dalmatian, Lucy, is finally quiet. She sleeps soundly, cuddling against my side. I am totally at […]

Sorrow vs. honor

It was as profound as Clare had promised. On holy Sunday, Nov. 18, more than 3,000 people were walking through a cold, steady rain, advancing toward possible jail time, or worse. Thrusting up white crosses, they declared “Presente,” each time the announcers solemnly proclaimed the name of one of the thousands of people killed — […]

Everyday miracles

As in other towns, holiday traditions abound in Asheville: Sitting (and swearing) in traffic on Tunnel Road. Paying a lot of money to go to Biltmore House to look at a lot of lights. Enduring yet another production of The Nutcracker because your umpteenth cousin (niece/nephew/grandchild/godchild/child-you-barely-know) is starring as The Mouse. Swearing off commercialism in […]

Blood simple

“If people are getting the fun vibe, then I’m happy,” says virtuoso bassist Victor Wooten. “Like the music or not, if you can feel the fun that we are having, then that’s great. “And we definitely are having fun.” A Victor Wooten show is a family affair. His current band features his brother Joseph on […]

The end of an era

For almost a decade, downtown Asheville’s Zone one contemporary gallery has showcased the provocative and the original in Western North Carolina’s burgeoning visual-arts scene. But now the splash and the magic are coming to an end. Closing the “Zone” as an active commercial art space will mean that gallery owner Connie Bostic, a painter, will […]

Coming home

To most musicians, a “jam” is a highly informal affair — a chance to swap licks and drink a few beers, maybe. But for Asheville’s homegrown guitar god, Warren Haynes, it’s a little more complicated than that. Haynes’ annual Christmas Jam in Asheville (now in its 12th year) has become a veritable who’s who of […]

Rise up and follow

Flat Rock Playhouse upholds its tradition of delivering fine seasonal entertainment with its current production, a melding of two one-act holiday musicals. Christmas may be the best time of year to visit North Carolina’s state theater — the playhouse exudes warmth and good spirits. Situated in scenic Flat Rock and surrounded by solemn pine trees, […]

The road home

Josh Joplin didn’t feel like he had a choice. While his peers were getting their first taste of teenage freedom behind the wheel of Mom and Pop’s old Olds, roaring recklessly with radios wide open past Amish horse-drawn buggies on rural Lancaster County, Pa., roads, Joplin, 16, was dropping out of school to follow the […]

With sugar on top

It’s Friday-night rehearsal of act one, and a myriad of details, on and off the floorboards, still need to be ironed out. The Dancing Maids, in their warmup leggings and workout leotards — imaginary feather dusters fluttering from their long, graceful arms — are slightly out of step. “Don’t guess!” cautions Ann Dunn, the Asheville […]

Letters to the editor

Those four missing pages Journalistically speaking, it’s a really lousy day when you discover that the newspaper that just hit the streets has four missing pages. A lot of time and effort went into producing that issue and getting it right. We know the readers got shortchanged. A couple of letters to the editor failed […]