Playin’ It Safe spotlights teen sexuality and health

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one-fourth of young women between the ages of 14 and 19—about 3.2 million teenage girls—are infected with at least one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (human papillomavirus or HPV, chlamydia, herpes simplex virus and trichomoniasis). Health effects can range from infertility to cervical […]

Capitalism on campus

A $1 million gift from the BB&T Foundation to Western Carolina University has raised basic questions about academic freedom versus funders’ ability to affect curriculum decisions. Freedom’s just another word…: Free-market proponent Ayn Rand (1905-1982), whose controversial books are to be studied in connection with BB&T’s $1 million donation to WCU. The gift has raised […]