NCmatters: Drawing lessons

Whatever the outcome of the N.C. General Assembly’s 2011 redistricting, the process has already attracted both national and state-level scrutiny. An across-the-aisle coalition has formed North Carolinians for Redistricting Reform, a nonprofit that aims to take redistricting away from state legislators in favor of an independent body to ensure an open, public-driven process. As Executive […]

Now you see it — now you don’t: Legislatio­n could dissolve municipal ETJs   *UPDATED*

Asheville and other N.C. cities surrounded by countywide zoning would see their extraterritorial jurisdiction eliminated by legislation being considered on Thursday, June 2, in the Statehouse. And in counties without such zoning, ETJ residents could vote in some municipal elections — or run for office. In other business, the proposed Sunshine Amendment will also receive an unexpected second vote in committee. *UPDATED*

NCMatters: Under the radar

As the N.C. General Assembly’s redistricting hearings conclude and the Senate takes up the budget passed by the House last week, a number of individual bills with wide-ranging effects are slated for committee hearings this week, flying under much of the news radar. At play will be the potential dismantling of the state’s current nonpartisan […]

Playing the numbers

With the 2010 census numbers now in hand, the state Legislature has begun redrawing the lines for N.C. House and Senate, as well as congressional districts. May 15 is the target date for producing new district maps; public hearings are now being held around the state, with a visit to Western North Carolina slated for […]

Multiple choice

The Joint Committee on Regulatory Reform, established by North Carolina legislators this year, is on the road. Its mission: Scrutinize “burdensome state rules and regulations on behalf of the private sector.” The 18-member team wants to hear from business and farm owners around the state concerning “outdated rules and regulations that should be eliminated.” The […]

The bill-laden month of April

April is a busy time in Raleigh. State legislators have introduced more than 1,000 bills this session, only 18 of which had been ratified at this writing. Meanwhile, the General Assembly is checking off bill-filing deadlines and jamming committee schedules with hearings on this session’s crop of proposed legislation. Here are a few pending bills […]


A bill introduced March 24 by Rep. Tim Moffitt would expand the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners from five to seven members while mandating district representation in place of the current at-large elections. The bill, HB 47, would establish three commissioner districts, with the same boundaries as the county's three Statehouse districts. Each district would […]