Culture watch

Big Works Afoot in Small Presses Local beat-influenced poet Jaye Bartell’s Thistle Publications recently released a new collection, Ursula’s Attic. The 30-page book is retailing for $5, and is available at local bookshops and poetry events. For more information, e-mail Like-minded poet and zinester Lisa Flaherty has announced a new project of her own, […]

Culture watch

Film & TV Round-Up Big scene, small screen The regional music scene appears to be on the verge of getting a major boost from a new TV project in the works at Blue Ridge Motion Pictures. Currently titled Asheville City Nights, the series’ producers hope to promote developing talent while capitalizing on Asheville’s image as […]

Waking life

Larry Benner looks tired. He takes a deep pull from his hand-rolled cigarette, and stares thoughtfully at the ice in his soda. He’s like a clutch caught between gears, alternating gleeful relief with nervous anxiety. It’s not surprising: The premiere of his second feature film, The Nudger, is only days away — and it’s still […]

Culture watch

Hitting the Big Screen 2006 has been an active year for local filmmakers. Writer/director Lis Anna recently announced that two of her short films, The Joy Cafe and Rutherford County, will have their world premieres at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Another of Anna’s short films, Waiting for Jilly, recently screened at the Fiery Film […]

A big, big love

“The thing I struggle with the most is when both partners want my time.” As Valentine’s Day flutters on the near horizon, a lot of folks are either hatching plans to party with their sweetie or bemoaning the fact that they don’t have one. But some people seem to find themselves with an embarrassment of […]

Rockin’ on Heaven’s door

What radio station does God listen to? I’m not trying to be flippant, I just want to clarify something — because depending on who you talk to, God exclusively likes somber chants, wailing guitars, raucous choirs or mellow jazz. Sometimes He only wants to hear the warm tones of an organ, and other times it’s […]

Brezsny in retrograde

[Webmaster’s note: Free Will Astrology is a syndicated column that appears in the print edition of Mountain Xpress only. For Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes online visit] Rob Brezsny‘s Free Will Astrology may be one of the most popular features to grace the pages of the Mountain Xpress — but it’s not for everyone. “Like many […]

The growing chic of geek

Last year, Dungeons & Dragons players had to face a challenge no sword could slay and no spell could undo. Their much-beloved game — one where the players come together to create tales of sorcery and high adventure — was about to turn 30. Instead of moping about it, which a lot of soon-to-be 30-year-olds […]

Up Walnut to the future

An art-car contest returns to LAAFF this year as one of the festival’s most popular attractions. The arts community on Lexington Avenue is nearly a victim of its own success. Having shaken off a long-standing reputation as one of downtown’s seedier neighborhoods, the area is rapidly being developed into a more upscale, if still largely […]

Into the blogospher­e

They’re bloggers, and they’re everywhere. They’re a new breed of citizen-reporters, net-savvy activists and digital diarists, and through their Web logs, or blogs, they keep journals of their passions, posting them online for all to read. In recent years, they’ve also made blogs a new media force to be reckoned with. Six years ago, it […]

It didn’t hurt

“I guess the movie was something a lot of people could put their finger on,” says Mark Kozelek, his voice a dispassionate Midwestern drawl. It’s hard to blame his lack of enthusiasm. He’s only been asked the same question in practically every interview he’s done since 1999. Forget that Kozelek is the founder of iconic […]

Twisting the knife

Believe what the alt-country press has to say about Robbie Fulks and you’ll think he’s just a few chords short of toppling the pop-country regime. As depicted, Fulks is a battle-hardened ex-Nashville musical malcontent, hell-bent on lyrical and melodic mayhem. In fact, a recent article in No Depression even implied that Fulks’ music is only […]

Tracking by ectoplasm

photo by Jodi Ford A self-operating service elevator and a mysterious spot on the wall (now covered by the chalkboard seen above) that refuses to hold paint are among the odd happenings reported at Barley’s. Joshua Warren, our tour leader, and his assistant Caleb Hanks stand outside Barley’s Taproom smoking a final pre-tour cigarette. As […]

Shedding the legacy of patriarchy

Richard Tomaskovic doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d bother with a support group. At 71, the former technical writer and engineer is a witty and engaging talker who seems more active than a lot of people half his age. The man positively radiates a sense of purpose and competence. Yet every week for […]

The monsters of schlock

Scare tactics: The Monsters of Japan lament the lackof showmanship in today’s rock shows. “We’re an anomaly,” says the man who calls himself Roast. “In this town, no one knows what to do with us.” I could ask the Monsters of Japan front man to elaborate this point, but I don’t. Frankly, it’s pretty easy […]

In like Flynn

“I hear that a lot, and it’s total bulls••t,” growls Keith Flynn in a voice of crushed gravel and strychnine. I’ve just offhandedly repeated the rumor that Asheville Poetry Review has stopped being about representing the locals in favor of catering to the big names — and Flynn’s having none of it. “I’ll bet you […]

Up in smoke

At the corner of the bar, beneath a thin, blue haze of cigarette smoke, the mood has turned bitter. Black coffee steams in worn mugs; thoughtful patrons hold half-finished cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. They stare around the bar and take drags from cigarettes, saying nothing. Things have been grim here at Vincent’s Ear […]

Buncombe County Commission

All around the room, people were talking feverishly. Middle-aged men in imperfectly fitting suits made awkward contortions to talk to those sitting behind them, eager to catch up on news of the most recent flood and its aimless, indiscriminate damage. “Did you hear about all those cars that got washed away?” “You’ll never guess what […]

Random acts

A soundtrack Three years ago, Mountain Xpress decided to take a chance on a new column about local music. I was lucky enough to be the guy they chose to write it. Ever since the first Random Acts back in September 2001, I’ve done what I could to be a critical observer of the fickle […]

Random acts

Big buzz Former Unholy Trio drummer Lance Wille has been touring lately with Reigning Sound. The group, led by Greg Cartwright, ex front man of The Oblivians, is currently opening shows for August Spin cover boys The Hives. Visit for more information. Front-row reviews What: ROBenefitWhere: Stella BlueWhen: Friday, Aug. 6 Earlier this year, […]

Random acts

Front-row reviews Who: County FarmWhere: Hannah Flanagan’s (Asheville)When: Thursday, July 29 Dear Bar Patrons: County Farm is too good for you. I’m sorry to be so blunt … but there it is. As you bemoan the mundane horrors of your day job over a pint, every sweet pluck of Jay Mullenax‘s mandolin, and every low-down […]