Blue Ridge Community College update – Campus reopening plan

Press release from Blue Ridge Community College:

HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. – We hope that you and your families remain safe as our community recovers from Hurricane Helene, and we appreciate your patience as we work through this challenging time together. Blue Ridge Community College continues to prioritize the safety of our students and employees. We also continue to make swift and encouraging progress toward restoring essential services and access to our campuses.

After careful consideration and consultation with emergency management authorities and educational partners, it is our plan to resume student instruction on all campuses of Blue Ridge Community College on Monday, October 14.
This decision has been made to ensure the safety of our community and allow for thorough building assessment and recovery efforts. Until October 14, all in-person or online classes and events will remain paused. Students and members of the community are asked to refrain from visiting our campuses until classes resume to allow us to finalize building safety assessments and make repairs.
Students should monitor their emails and learning management systems for further instructions this week from instructors, including those enrolled in upcoming Short Courses. Students and their families are also asked to complete a Student Status and Support survey as soon as possible, so we can confirm your safety and understand any physical needs you might have.
We are actively working this week to restore some student services and open our One Stop information desks for calls. When these resources are available, we will share this information on college social media.
Employees will receive a message today in their college email with further instructions.
Please continue to follow for current information about this reopening plan, and share with those outside of our region asking for ways to help our college and community.
It will be our great pleasure to welcome students back to campus next week to prepare for professions that our community now needs more than ever. Despite our community’s incalculable losses, we still believe a brighter future is ahead as our graduates lead the way. Please continue to prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you, and stay #WNCStrong.
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